Offence will no doubt be taken but is not intended, but you sounds like you are very young and have just discovered weed. I would be a bit shocked to learn of a single person on a growing website who doesn't have a grinder. As to a joint roller, i'd be a bit shocked to find any serious smoker who would recommend using one, they are bollocks. Different weeds and hashes need to be rolled to varying degrees of tightness for them to smoke their best. Joint rollers do nothing but tight. The only way i can see them as being acceptable is that you are using a small enough amount of weed not to realise what a waste of time joint rollers are. If you can roll proficciently then you can roll as tight as you want, from side burning from looseness to barely hittable due to tightness. Rolling machines are for those who don't actually know how to roll a propper joint regardless of their personal thoughts on their rolling capability. Not knocking them for the handicaped or those who can't hold their hands too steady, parkinsons etc, but for a healthy smoker, if you find that a rolling machine is better than your hand rolled joints, then it generally always mneans you simply don't know how to roll a joint properly