siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member previous experience with grinders was usually with 4 piece i think...but i found one i really like that is 3 piece...looks like poker chips...neway i want to get this one but i am not sure about the keef collection, which is always important with a grinder...does a 3 piece still do a good job with collecting and seperating the green and keef?

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah but what about the 3 piece ones? cuz i REALLY want the poker chip it gonna seperate the keef and weed enuf?

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
^ sweet...i actually checked out the grinder at a local headshop, basically said that u would just have to pick the bud out of the teeth or do what i would do which is tap it on the table to get it imma go for that one...POKER CHIPS BABY!

Active Member
Hi all,

curious about keef. I recently bought a grinder which seems to be great, and has the screen and the bottom to catch the keef.

anyway I saved up considerable amount of it ... enough for me and my friend to take 3 or 4 one hits of nothing but it.

now before I finish I should note the kids (my GF's daughter) got me to try this and her grinder is suppose to be top-notch where as mine is like a $20 wannabe (which I still think is great compared to $80 and up ... her price she paid) ... anyway the reefer is some I grew ... and they were thrilled with all the keef that came off it.

I however and my friend (we're kinda old) ... but both of us didn't see anything special about the keef.

In fact is was an incredible poor second to how good the hash is that I can rub off my hands after harvest which is admittedly kinda whitish yellow color so maybe it is the keef caught in the sticky residue.

which if that's the case I can see it being worth the trouble because that is one great high and toke when I hit that hash ball

but the keef just wasn't even close.

is it a bad grinder or what? sure grinds the pot up just fine. and yes has one of those screens that won't let pot through but some of the keef is colored though not necessarily a green color like the pot is.

thanks in advance for your reply.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
ur grinder sounds fine...u probably shoulda mixed it in with some buds...if its a bowl thats what my boys usually do, pack a regular bowl and sprinkle that on top of it, u can usually get two hard, potent hits offa it...smoking the keef by itself is ruff unless u get a keef compressor, which maybe you should try, the make little disc type thing that you can put straight in the bow, but we would usually put these on top of some bud still...i would say the lack of enjoyment was probably due to hitting the straight keef and the hits probably werent as good... SharpStone Pollen Presser you can find them for cheaper but thats the first one that came up, it'll let ya get an idea about them at least, i would give them a shot they are good if you got a buncha keef, u can actually press the disks and store the shit, makes it a lot more convenient!

edit - keef is usually a yellow like color...kinda looks like that ramen noodle flavor packet stuff u get (haha im a college student i know all about that), but i think that the color could vary depending on the strain...something like white widow would probably have a more white tint to it...hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
I just bought a nice grinder after using a two piece wood Greenleaf grinder for years. It worked great, but would get bound up as the kief would stick to everything inside and would need to be cleaned about every 1/4 oz or so. I figured instead of going through all that I could collect a nice treat in the process.

I bought a cheap grinder from Gotvape .com, which was a knock off of a Space case for about $40, which they fucked up and sent me a grinder that was 4" , I could grind a 1/4 in that bitch, I sent it back , too big and cheesy as hell.

I did grab a Sharpstone off ebay for $35 with a pollen press, definitely a great buy and good quality. I gave that one to my brother, he is very happy with it.
I decided I wanted to buy the best for myself since I will never need to buy another and in my 20 years of smoking I have never had one, figure I am worth the $74 I spent on the med Space case. This thing is great, not sure why I did not get one of these years ago. It is a very small investment, and I really like the texture of the grind, as well as the quality of the kief, some of the cheap knock offs will add aluminum shavings for you as well. Also the kief screen on the better grinders is much finer than some of the knock offs which will give you a green half kief half bud mix.

These are four piece grinders tho. I read everything I could find on this and five other ganja boards and the two best were the Space case and the Mendo mulcher, that being said if $ is a concern that Sharpstone with the pollen press on Ebay is an excellent deal and a really good quality grinder for a great price.

They are spendy for something that just grinds bud, but I think it adds to the overall quality of the smoke with a perfect uniform grind every time, with a nice treat at the end of the bag.

Here is the best value deal I found