Ground or Pots +rep


Active Member
Im thinking about making some organic super soil or amending clay soil, but what would be better to plant in? It would probably be either 5 gal buckets/grow bags or filling a hole with soil. Are buckets bad to use outside seeing as you will block the root growth.:confused:

Thanks yal,

Ps:if anyone knows how much soil it takes to fill 5 gal buckets, I would greatly aprechiate the info


Well-Known Member
5 gallons of soil lol ,20-25 litres of soil will fill ,5g buckets will be lots ,but a 10g hole of ammended soil will be crazy sick


Active Member
I dont think I will have enough money for huge holes and I want to keep the roots out of clay, unless it really isnt that bad


Well-Known Member
Clay is my problem.I live in a natl forest and almost all the topsoil is good but 2 inches down and your in clay.If I dig a hole it fills up with water,so I have to grow above ground.If I could I would use the bags in the ground because the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits.Thats just 1 factor.I had a 100f summer last year ,my yield would have been more if the plants would have been in the earth.So even if you have to get elaborate with the drainage try to keep them under ground.


Well-Known Member
I would go in the ground. But if you have to use pots get the smartpots. That way the roots will air prune giving you more root mass.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Clay is my problem.I live in a natl forest and almost all the topsoil is good but 2 inches down and your in clay.If I dig a hole it fills up with water,so I have to grow above ground.If I could I would use the bags in the ground because the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits.Thats just 1 factor.I had a 100f summer last year ,my yield would have been more if the plants would have been in the earth.So even if you have to get elaborate with the drainage try to keep them under ground.

Hydro has a very good point. Raised beds would be ideal, but easier said than done.


Active Member
jesus lights. Im pretty sure I saw the first picture on another thread but those are monster. What did you use, just straight peat moss in holes with plain water?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
jesus lights. Im pretty sure I saw the first picture on another thread but those are monster. What did you use, just straight peat moss in holes with plain water?

Probably saw it in my outdoor 09 thread.


Fox farm liquid nutes

Fox farm dry nutes

I used nasty stinky swamp water. Had less ppm than my tap water.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Either as long as you got at least 7 gallons from a start to finish outdoor grow(more is better) you'll be set. If the native soil is too horrible to even amend start with bales of pro-mix and add dry fertilizers such as bone and blood meal, kelp meal, lime, epsom salt etc. things which will slowly degrade and release fertilizer over time. That way you only got worry about when they get too dry and you won't have to make nearly as many trips just to fertilize. Just remember that pro-mix or any peat moss based soil is just a medium and is practically nutrientless and if just liquid fertilizer is used weekly trips will have to be made which will increase your chances of getting caught. Grow smart and have a happy harvest


Active Member
word up northeastern. that shits nice. i might invest in this instead of making a supersoil mix. any thoughts?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Either as long as you got at least 7 gallons from a start to finish outdoor grow(more is better) you'll be set. If the native soil is too horrible to even amend start with bales of pro-mix and add dry fertilizers such as bone and blood meal, kelp meal, lime, epsom salt etc. things which will slowly degrade and release fertilizer over time. That way you only got worry about when they get too dry and you won't have to make nearly as many trips just to fertilize. Just remember that pro-mix or any peat moss based soil is just a medium and is practically nutrientless and if just liquid fertilizer is used weekly trips will have to be made which will increase your chances of getting caught. Grow smart and have a happy harvest


Animals will dig up your plants for this shit. Also scatter moth balls and irish spring soap around the patch to keep animals away. They hate man made scents. In 09 both m patches were next to where deer stayed, not a single problem the whole season.


Well-Known Member
I buy my own peat and perlite and mix them til I like it with MG moisture control.Has to be just right lol.Peace

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
word up northeastern. that shits nice. i might invest in this instead of making a supersoil mix. any thoughts?

Spend the extra cash, it'll come back 10 fold. Pro-Mix is 28 and some change a bale at the local whole sale nursury suply. At the grow shop they charge 40 a bale. But even at that 20 bucks for a possable 2 lb plants is peanuts.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
But I like mine better NL.:mrgreen:

Whatever floats your boat. ;-):bigjoint:Sunshine mix has a moisture control product also you should check it out. I only like Pro-mix over Sunshine Mix because of the mycorise.

Here's a quick write up of it. It's Sunshine mix #7

Sunshine Mix #7​
Gel Plus Mix #7 is particularly suited for high water usage
plants. Since the gel will hold available water for the plant, this is
an excellent mix for plants that receive less than ideal care once
they leave the greenhouse or for plants needing frequent watering.
Mix #7 contains Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, perlite, major
and minor nutrients, gypsum, Dolomitic limestone, our longlasting
wetting agent and a super absorbent polymer to hold
significant amounts of water close to the plant root system.​
Available in 3.8 and 55.0 cu ft compressed bales, as well as 2.8 cu ft
loose fill bags. Loose fill is also available in 60.0 cu ft from our Western​
and Central regions, and 70.0 cu ft from our Eastern region