ground soil? new to outdoor


Well-Known Member
okay guys i got about 10 clones i'd like to put out side this year i think i finally found a spot but its across town from my house and all i have is a moped. is it ok to put the clones in the ground with out digging a hole and adding potting soil?? and well they survive if there just givin rain water and no nutrients??? any other pointers would be great too thanks please help


Juan Valdez

Active Member
ya you can do it that way if the native soil is decent. i would at the very least till up a 2 - 3 ft circle about a foot down, take all the roots and rocks and shit out, then plant it. couldnt hurt to spread some kind of all-purpose time release fertilizer like, miracle grow, osmocote, shultz etc. you should be able to find any one of those at any hardware store in the country, probably run ya less then 10 bucks.

nice lookin plants btw

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i say no dont risk it at this stage
if you had been useing this from day one seedling then maybe
but even then i'll tell you to go outside dig a 3-5gal. hole at the site you picked to grow at and place good store bought
soil in the hole (this step can be done weeks in advanced) place plant in give it a good water then come back every 4-
6 days with water and nutes


Active Member
as a lifetime out door grower i have to tell you that it can be done but please dont set your heart on the results. there are a hundred different thigns that can go wrong. you will be at the mercy of mother nature. you may be surprized however, by good results, but DONT count on it. the style of grow you described is almost exactly what our family has done for more that forty years. sometimes it turns out well, sometimes very bad. the plants you have will only survive if they are exceptionally vigorous. do what the others said and prep the site and use time release ferts. a shovel and a bag of nutes can be carried on a moped