Grove Bags. Why the hype?

What do you think about Grove Bags?

  • Legit - They work.

  • A Con - Marketing BS.

  • Undecided

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its aimed at commercial growers/sellers.
with phrases like: extending shelf life, maximizing margins, bottom line, brand quality...
Marketing is usually bullshit, but the product works.

Its not a magical, foolproof way to cure buds, but it serves its purpose pretty well.

Most importantly, nobody is being forced to use them.
They are just another part of the Youtube generation...trying to buy your way to success is much easier than actually learning skills. The best weed I ever smoked was in the 90' stupid cannabis bags back then...I wonder how they did it?? I'm with's just more hype
You just joined here last month. I know you've been growing longer than I've been alive, and your probably breathing hard and calling me son now, but relax and go get the kids off the lawn and let the growers talk.
Haven’t heard anyone say they are switching back to jars yet.
I have 24 liter jars that I just picked up, I only had 3 2lb grove bags and needed more storage..

I will be picking up more Grove Bags as well, they work, I have had the Roadkill OG in them for a few weeks now and it's still holding the same 60%rh.. I wont open them up again for a while "2lbs dont have windows", but Im confident it will stay at that range.
I just bought a bunch of these bags for the first time. Ive heard lots of good things, and they have many different sizes up to 50 gallons barrel size.
I still wanted to use glass mason jars, but this years harvest is my biggest ever, and it wouldve cost hundreds of dollars to get enough gallon sized jars. So i went with with the Grove bags, as each 1lb. bag is only $5.66 from their webpage.
So guess ill be finding out ‍ lol
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In my experience. Which is the only truth one can say. Otherwise they are quoting somebody else and haven’t experienced it for themselves.


Is that these bags for whatever reason improve the terpenes of every bud I’ve tried in them. The jar still work but maybe not as fast? I dunno. There is an improvement in taste.

Got bud that’s 7 month old now and still looks fresh!

For a price of a cheeseburger they are worth a try…
I have looked into these bags, I reside in canada and to purchase them on Amazon it would cost me 45 before tax for 4 bags that hold a qp and 4 bags that hold an ounce. So total 1.25 lbs storage.

I purchased some zip zag bag for 10 $ CAD for 10 bags that each hold half a pound.

They are clearly not the same as grove bags. But they came in black and seem to made out of some durable material. No light gets in.

Can't speak of the Grove bags because I didnt try them. But if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, these may be it. Quite a bit cheaper than jars. 5lbs of storage for 10 $ 16666129878904500347010122374151.jpg
I have looked into these bags, I reside in canada and to purchase them on Amazon it would cost me 45 before tax for 4 bags that hold a qp and 4 bags that hold an ounce. So total 1.25 lbs storage.

I purchased some zip zag bag for 10 $ CAD for 10 bags that each hold half a pound.

They are clearly not the same as grove bags. But they came in black and seem to made out of some durable material. No light gets in.

Can't speak of the Grove bags because I didnt try them. But if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, these may be it. Quite a bit cheaper than jars. 5lbs of storage for 10 $ View attachment 5217007

Why would you purchase on amazon for triple the price instead of using the grove bags Canada site?
