Grow #2 - Parabolic Mini SCRoG


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I've read through the How to SCRoG guide and all that jazz so I thought I'd give it a go, Someguys parabolic SCRoG Idea is what inspired this setup as it seems the most logical in a tight space for maximum yield and you have a larger surface area of bud in the screen so hey thought I'd give it a go :)

you can see that here;

After an rather unsuccessful 1st go round (well it was successful only half finished though)

I pulled 3oz's of reasonably nice bud which was surprisingly a lot for my first attempt.

I've now decided to start up round 2 for which I will be using:

2 or 3, 3.5l Airpots
90w of LED goodness
45w of Fluoro Tube
2 x 125w (red) CFL's
B&Q all purpose compost (Purple Bag)
Perlite (at a ratio of 20 perlite, 80 soil)

Miracle Grow, all purpose water soluble fertiliser.
B&Q Tomato food

(worked ace the 1st time round and can't afford anything too special at the moment)

I'll be growing a G13 pineapple express and a GHS Super Lemon Haze with the possibility of a vanilla kush clone from a friend.

I have gutted a chest of drawers (measuring Lx 70cm Hx 72cm Dx 40cm) and put a door on it so yeah it's rather inconspicuous.

Carbon filter built from a coke bottle and a bathroom extractor (45CFM, more than enough) and the intake is again a 45CFM bathroom fan, for blowing over the plants I have 3 computer fans.

the airpots are a funny size 'cause I chopped them down from the massive 10l airpots and may be closer to 4 litres, not sure though.

I think thats the basics over with so heres some pics of my setup:

Exterior shot all running.

Little CPU Fan box.

Coke Bottle Carbon Filter.

Interior Running.

As Above with pots for spacing ideas.


Interior turned off.

I have plenty of space under the screen to manouver so I think thats it :)

I'm putting this in the grow journal section because come March/April I will be starting my grow and updating in this thread, just thought I'd do it now so I have the drive to continue the journal.

Any Feedback on my setup would be appreciated.

until then Peace, Happy Growing and Stay Frosty!

Sorry that was a more lengthy type up than I had thought... My Bad


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in XD I might be asking for some advice here and there when I actually get started :) I like your ideas with the grafting and the silvering but its a bit over my head to be asked with tbh. I haven't a bad thing to say about LED's either they make mega frosty bud, doesn't matter if its only a couple of ounces, mega frosty XD

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Very nice, clean looking cabinet!
Just wondering what exactly the material you used for the screen is originally intended for?
Like what is it marketed as? It looks the be ideal for that application


Well-Known Member

To be honest I'm not really sure what it's marketed as I just found it in the garden and cleaned it up.
I think its just galvanised steel mesh, for fencing and/or plant support.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Wouldn't a HPS bulb make better use of the parabolic shape? I have seen similar setups with an HPS in a cooltube, with a PC fan bringing air in and one taking it out. Also was wondering about your filter setup, are you using a fan to help draw air through it?
That setup is wicked stealthy, nicely done! It will be interesting to watch.


Well-Known Member
Tdooda, under usual circumstances I would! running too skint for the next couple months and I got no space for it in my cab now I have the CFL's, how much was you thinkin anyway in case you still have it wen I got the £ XD

Miss Meanweed, In such a small space and at the moment no, Iput a 400 watter in there lol suffice to say it was over 70degrees celcius, and at the moment I cannae afford the luxury of a cool tube, its a future thing and an experiment to see how well CFL's/LED's do compared to my last grow with HPS. AND sorry (edit) Yes the carbon filter has a fan sucking air through it and out of the grow room, Thanks for the support! looking forward to getting this started! might do it a bit sooner get an extra week or 2 of veg XD


Well-Known Member
Just found a plasterboard wall in my new place that is kinda like a chimney breast but not, perfect to extract air into (via carbon filter) as it goes to the roof and out.

A few little modifications;

I've replaced the Fluoro Tube with 2, 125w red CFL's.
Whilst preparing for the Pineapple express and SLH, I ordered 4 Dinafem Fruit Auto's (feminised), just a couple of cheap seeds to get me started.

So as soon as my new seeds arrive I'll start this thing off! hopefully tomorrow or wednesday! then 3 weeks till I start off the PE and SLH.

Stay Frosty!


Well-Known Member
Damn Just got my seeds today had to pick em up from the post office.

Anyhoo I'm diggin these dinafem tins they send the seeds in!

heres what I got, 4 Dinafem Fruit Autos and 1 Free Thai HazexSkunk.

Dinafem Fruit Seeds.jpg

Get this started tonight! XD


Well-Known Member
just found it in the garden was about 2.5m x 1.5m just chopped it down.

Might update with pics next week so far its 4 weeks and 4 days in since I planted the seeds and a few cold nights have slowed them down a bit, suffice to say the original 8 weeks on the packet is looking quite unlikely, I'd guess about 10-12 weeks...


Well-Known Member
Hello again, sorry for the long break. I was distracted by redundancy and then, subsequently, job hunting... Thought I'd stop the search for a week to get this grow started.

Those of you who stopped in before will know I popped a couple Dinafem fruit autos about 10 weeks ago in the garden.

Well they're no where near finished maybe 2 even 3 more weeks left which sucks.
Rather disappointed to say the least. They're not even bulking out much but hey, what can you do.

Anyways, popped my Pineapple Express and Super Lemon Haze 2 weeks back in my ScrOG setup, and so far so good I'll put up some pics maybe Sunday but hopefully this round will go down a lot smoother than my last attempt.

Stay frosty, I'm back for a bit at least XD


Well-Known Member
To start here's some bud porn XD (well half bud porn)

These are my Dinafem Fruit Auto's at about week 10:

They've only been flowering about 2 or 3 weeks...

The dome is there just to keep the buds dry 'cause it's been pissing it down the past few days :|

Anyway, back to the point of the thread.

On the left we have 'Lisa' the Super Lemon Haze, and the Right is 'Penny' Pineapple express;

The seeds were quite old and took about 3-5 days to pop the ground and since then they have been happily vegging for 2.5 weeks;

A few minor changes, I have removed the ScrOG screen as I now have a need for the plants to be portable as I'm going away soon and they need to be looked after by a friend.

I'm giving them another few days of growth to get the next node set properly established and plan to top them for the usual 4 'tops'. Then a week to recover and I'm switching over to flower.

My current Nute's are still Miracle Gro multi-purpose (just being really careful with the measurements to avoid burning) and a few drops of Baby bio and house plant feeder (just because it's there and has added trace elements), which I've just started using as of 3 days so they look a little light green (N def mayhaps).

Planting medium is Perlite/Vermiculite @ 50/50, this worked wonders in my hempy buckets and hopefully will work wonders in Airpots.

EDIT: To save another post, I will more than likely lst the grow heads down as they pop up and when I get back from holiday I'll try to put them through the scrog screen, it may help to control growth and get a tad more final yield as they do stretch for a while after switching, maybe this could be used to half fill my screen. No harm in experimenting though.

Well, that's that next update probably when I've put them into flower!

Until next time, Stay Frosty!



Well-Known Member
Flower week1:

Right so on Monday i would have been flowering my ladies for a week (I'll post updates Monday'ish)

I did a major re-model of the grow cab as I needed extra storage space in the room they're in. This meant building a cab into the actual plasterboard wall I mentioned earlier in this thread. All in all it looks cooking amazing and is ridiculous stealth!

Like I said i had to remove the ScrOG screen for this grow which sucked but, since the remodel i have acquired an extra foot or two in height and the same in width so for the next setup I'm going to make up 2 vertical screens and have a plant growing up either side and trained in as a sort of stadium scrog type thing :)

Anyway, that's all till Monday.

Peace and stay frosty!


Well-Known Member
Flower week1:

Right so on Monday i would have been flowering my ladies for a week (I'll post updates Monday'ish)

I did a major re-model of the grow cab as I needed extra storage space in the room they're in. This meant building a cab into the actual plasterboard wall I mentioned earlier in this thread. All in all it looks cooking amazing and is ridiculous stealth!

Like I said i had to remove the ScrOG screen for this grow which sucked but, since the remodel i have acquired an extra foot or two in height and the same in width so for the next setup I'm going to make up 2 vertical screens and have a plant growing up either side and trained in as a sort of stadium scrog type thing :)

Anyway, that's all till Monday.

Peace and stay frosty!
Killer job man.. Im sub'ed.......


Oh ya sweet, ill give it a go. I cee in your grow you got some seeds online, what site did you get them from? i bought some off but they never arrived. Can you legit grow in your country?

Much Respect