Grow#2: White Russian & Serious Chronic


Well-Known Member
Day 52. Cut it short. She was done. The remaining leaves were dying off and it was looking bad. After i trimmed her all up she doesnt look half bad at all. I wish i had a scale to weigh the buds. Im guessing a little over a 1/4oz wet. Im going be letting them dry in a shoebox for about 4 days then cure for a while. Im in no rush, just had to get her out to make room for somethin new.

I know its not what everyone has been waiting for but im happy with it. Good practice. Now i know how to grow.

Thanks to everyone stickin around. Check out my other grows ive started and stay tuned for grows im about to start:peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
hahah, you must be stoned:eyesmoke:

I just threw the old soil out. She wasnt rootbound AT ALL. barely any roots. I wonder why...


Well-Known Member
i think it may be your nute problem

once we work on your nutes....shouldnt have a problem

it is said that n is for foilage, p = roots and k = buds or some shit like that


Well-Known Member
Yeah i learned that halfway through this grow lol!

I just need to purchase some brand new nutes. A simple 3 pack or something like that. If you check my new grow in my sig, im trying to load that thing up with N because that's usually my main problem. N defincency. I have in mind what I would like to use I just really need to purchase a PPM/pH pen to have total control over the grow.