Grow at 6wks in +rep for opinions


Well-Known Member
Both of my girls 6 1/2 wks in flowering. How do they look? I know leaves are shitty but thats proly from me using nutes. Next round just water n molasses. How much do u think each will yield dry?



looks nice, aside from dying leaves. don't shy away from nutes, just feed at a lower dose and work up.

there is absolutely no way to tell how much you will pull; if you want an answer to that might want to try a fortune teller.


Well-Known Member
im already at a 1/4 strength and having messed up leaves already. i think anymore would def cause serious damage to them if they're that sensitive


correct pH? ppm? etc.

you're at 6weeks, might as well take this as a learning opportunity and keep everything in mind for your next run.


Well-Known Member
correct pH? ppm? etc.

you're at 6weeks, might as well take this as a learning opportunity and keep everything in mind for your next run.
runoff is around 6.5/7. ppm lol shit idk man. next gro imma try n do just water n molasses cuz with these even though ive nvr done full strength on the nutes(only 1/4) they still complained lol. so next go round im gonna try n do an almost fully organic grow n see what happens. even fim it and do some trimming to experiment with them and super crop em. hope it goes better next round


Well-Known Member
there looking pretty dank you over fert a little but you know that yeah if your 6 weeks id start flushing
thanks man. i think they look pretty damn dank to me as well lol. as for the nutes ive never used more than 1/4 strength so maybe theyre just sensitive idk lol. but i should start flushing soon?


Active Member
what strain is it? what soil and nutes are you using? yield is nearly impossible to estimate especially at 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
what strain is it? what soil and nutes are you using? yield is nearly impossible to estimate especially at 6 weeks
not to sure but i kno one is supposed to be like purple trainwreck romulan and the other is a kush but thats what my buddy told me. im def seeing the purp coming in on the plants so idk but def purp something lol ones a indica dom and the other is a sativa dom. indica is 2 1/2 ft while the sativa is 3 1/2 ft tall. soil is foxfarm ocean forest. nutes....foxfarm big bloom n tiger bloom at 1/4 strength every other water and molasses at every water. will the buds fill out more in the next two to three weeks?


yes they will fill in more during the last few weeks.

i say try and drop your pH a bit next round and see how it works out


Well-Known Member
yes they will fill in more during the last few weeks.

i say try and drop your pH a bit next round and see how it works out
so go with 6-6.5 next round? I hope they do cuz right now i feel like im not gona yield too much off of them. but we'll see.