Wassup guys been a while but its finally time for pics lol . Its day 47 day 23 flower im prolly gonna water tomorrow . Ive been watering 1 gal each with no nutes usually every 3-4 days they drink ALOT . If i go anymore than 4 days they are BONE dry . Anyways the one that got fucked up i kinda just let it do its thing and it got way taller than the one that didnt get fucked up . The one that wasnt fucked up is THRIVING
im in love with her ive been tieing her nodes down some to spread the soon to be colas out she looks amazing
but here some pics guys the first three are of the fucked up one (i honestly forgot what the technique is i used on this one is is called but i remember seeing it before lol im barred out) anyways then last 3 pics are of my new love
the big girl .