Grow baby grow for the 1st time under 250w


yeah I would get wit the building department and let them tell you why or what it does so you'll understand about it. Dont just do what works for 1 person, it's better to get the info early.


Active Member
yeah I would get wit the building department and let them tell you why or what it does so you'll understand about it. Dont just do what works for 1 person, it's better to get the info early.
building department? what are you on about slowman?


Active Member
Here we are in week 2 of flowering
some of the lower fan leaves are goin yellow or falling off, the temps are 28c and a fan is running always and plants are stretching too much, need to tie them down a little




Well-Known Member
Here we are in week 2 of flowering
some of the lower fan leaves are goin yellow or falling off, the temps are 28c and a fan is running always and plants are stretching too much, need to tie them down a little

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I warned u m8. hahahaha U live and learn. Bigger light would stop the stretch


Active Member
plants dont give off strong smell yet and lower half of the plant is quite bare and empty, 6 week countdown on for green on the scene :-)


Active Member
here we are still in week 3 of flower, I can see some bud forming but we are in early stages

2011-10-04 18.14.45.jpg2011-10-04 18.13.56.jpg2011-10-04 18.28.22.jpg2011-10-04 18.27.01.jpg2011-10-04 18.28.38.jpg2011-10-04 18.13.38.jpg2011-10-04 18.28.32.jpg2011-10-04 18.28.06.jpg2011-10-04 18.26.52.jpg2011-10-04 18.14.18.jpg plants are growing too tall for cupboard, dont know what to do other than tie them down


Active Member
Week 3 of flower, bottom half of plant is empty and bare and top half of plant is doin ok. Dont know how long to go but im glad they are all female (i think) so far. Dont know if i should cut of some of the lower branches which have little leaves and are not doing much

2011-10-09 15.32.22.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.19.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.45.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.24.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.35.jpg2011-10-09 15.30.35.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.42.jpg2011-10-09 15.31.58.jpg2011-10-09 15.31.44.jpg2011-10-09 15.31.52.jpg2011-10-09 15.31.28.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.51.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.29.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.32.jpg2011-10-09 15.30.53.jpg2011-10-09 15.33.47.jpg



Well-Known Member
cant expect the bottom to be great.....need more light penetration...........just leave point in trimming.