Grow Bags are to an advantage if you lack storage space to keep pots . No scrubbing involved as well and they can be put in the recycle bin with other plastic bags .. The price is great too compared to how much large containers add up ..
Many people don't know this but you can move smaller plants in grow bags with ease if you put them in plastic shopping bags with handles , double layer and don't forget to punch holes in the shopping bag .. Then your cheap grow bag 3- 5 gal will have handles to move with ease ..
I have noticed as well with many growers that the root systems are often air pruned when growing in plastic grow bags , just like the fabric ones .. I have never had roots spiral around a grow bag myself , they always hit the bag and dry out in the surface between the bag and soil . Moving them often creates this air gap ..
I wont push these or say no more , but yet I wanted to point out a few positives as many people see grow bags as a menace .. Peace PotSnob