Grow Bag VS Grow Pots


Well-Known Member
Can you please tell me why would one prefer to grow in a bag versus the pot and oposite.
I used pots, but would like to know if I am missing on any options and opportunities.



Well-Known Member
I like pots, I've used bags, don't like them. I like to move plants around and pull pants one by one out of the grow room and look them over real good every couple weeks, bagsare no fun to move around


New Member
Grow Bags are to an advantage if you lack storage space to keep pots . No scrubbing involved as well and they can be put in the recycle bin with other plastic bags .. The price is great too compared to how much large containers add up ..

Many people don't know this but you can move smaller plants in grow bags with ease if you put them in plastic shopping bags with handles , double layer and don't forget to punch holes in the shopping bag .. Then your cheap grow bag 3- 5 gal will have handles to move with ease ..

I have noticed as well with many growers that the root systems are often air pruned when growing in plastic grow bags , just like the fabric ones .. I have never had roots spiral around a grow bag myself , they always hit the bag and dry out in the surface between the bag and soil . Moving them often creates this air gap ..

I wont push these or say no more , but yet I wanted to point out a few positives as many people see grow bags as a menace .. Peace PotSnob


Well-Known Member
bags are the best for newbes imo because of the cost and the lightness factor of picking one up and completely understanding the water/pot full vs. do I need to water trick. Experimenting on air pots vs. fabric pot vs. grow bag now. grow bags are also the best at bunching plants together in mass for the most in a room. deep dish - saucers needed.


Well-Known Member
I have seen many time folks use plastic pots and they hold a puddle of water at the bottom. I always tell folks to add MORE drainage holes to them and put in some pumice stone before adding soil. I love it when someone says my plants always droop a bit after watering. 80% of the time this is because the water has nowhere to go and MAUI is sitting n a puddle pouting