Grow Bible?


I've seen alot of people on here say to get the grow bible and that it teaches you everything you need to know, so I'm about to order it but I'm confused on which book it actually is. There's more than one book with "grow bible" in the title, is it the one by Greg Green (i think this one is it but i wanted to be sure) or the one by Jorge Cervantes? Thanks.


Ok cool thanks, I'm gonna order it right now. Are there any others I should get along with it, or does it really have everything I need?
I learnt loads of stuff from the Greg Green one. Though there are a few bit's that are a bit out of date, was fun to read, informative and easy to follow.
Not read the Jorge Cervantes book but have only heard good things.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks, I'm gonna order it right now. Are there any others I should get along with it, or does it really have everything I need?
sea of green book :) its a good one 2 :) but there's so many different kinds of marijuana book just start with one them work your way up :)