Grow book recomendations?


Active Member
Im going to attempt my first grow and wanted to use a signle source instruction to make it easy.

Can someone recommend a good detailed grow book that i can use.

I'll be growing under a 1000W light in soil.



Well-Known Member
i just finished reading jorges grow bible and rosenthals cant remember the name right now,his latest grow book any way,they were both good,but if you read the forums on rollitup and the grow faq and journals i find that they provide a more in depth read and all the questions you want to ask while reading a book but cant have been answered by people who started out just like you,so go read as much as you can on the past forums of this great site and you will be more then ready.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend anyone check out SeeMoreBuds books. I think GK has a link to it. Just received his latest one last week. Grow More Buds For Less Grow 8oz of bud for less than $100. I would recommend it to everyone. VV


Active Member
i have found about everything i ever will need to know bout growing weed right here...any new info out there will eventually find its way here

rollitup has the pros... :)


Well-Known Member
The two best I have found so far.

The Cannbis Grow Bible by Greg Green (as mentioned above :))
Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes


Active Member
I have Jorge Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture Grower's Bible and its my go to resource, more info than you can remember and covers about god damn everything, I'll have to check out the Greg Green book