Grow box ventilation


New Member
ok this is my problem i starting a grow box but my problem is smell and loudness the grow is going to be hidden and i cant afford for it to be found so i need a pc fan that is extremely quiet the grow box will be hidden in a closet so i need the fan to be so quiet that if someone goes into my closet they will not be able to hear it inches away from the fan but i also need a fan strong enough to blow through a carbon filter a litter smaller than the one below filled with carbon any help or a link to a fan that fit my requirements reply it :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
I haven't found a fan that is totally silent that moves any type of air especially through a carbon filter. Moving air makes noise and someone going in your closet would certainly hear it and feel a breeze. You would be better off to try and mask the sound.


New Member
I haven't found a fan that is totally silent that moves any type of air especially through a carbon filter. Moving air makes noise and someone going in your closet would certainly hear it and feel a breeze. You would be better off to try and mask the sound.
what some good ways to mask the sound


Well-Known Member
Another fan next to it I think is the best way. Even if it's outside the closet. An aquarium on top of the box if you make the box in a dresser or furniture cabinet. Hide it in plain sight ;)


There is a guy on this forum or another. He built a rather large external carbon filter on the backof his box. He SAID it kept down the noise rather well and you could stand next to the box without noticing the sound. He didn't use a can filter though. Basically he used the carbon filter pads on every wall of the carobn box. 5 sides in total. I'm with the other guys here though, you need to mask the sound somehow. Even the quietest of fans makes noise when the air is rushing out the filter. NOT speaking from grow experience, speaking from years of construction/electrical experience. I've made some really elaborate boxes for other applications and have yet to find a fan that's actually quiet when it's moving air. You see the problem with a PC fan is the tip of the blades are slightly rounded but more so on the square side. If you notice a regular house fan has completely rounded blade tips, that's for a reason.


Fan And Temperature Controllers Can Help You By Not Having To Run The Fan At All Times Or Lower The Speed. Also Putting The Inline Fan In A Box Might Help You Reduce The Noise Level By a Bit.


Well-Known Member
yeah your best bet is making a seperate camber for exast and intake insulated with that sound nuetralizing foam.