Grow box?

Just out of curiosity, how small could you make a grow box for a single plant? I see a thread about someone using a PC as a grow box. Would they be able to keep the plant in there until it's budded etc..?


Well-Known Member
yes they tend to do 12/12 from seed rather than allowing veg time.

its all about plant training LST, SCROG, FIM etc.

As long as you use something along the lines of a server tower pc case you should have enough room.

yes they tend to do 12/12 from seed rather than allowing veg time.

its all about plant training LST, SCROG, FIM etc.

As long as you use something along the lines of a server tower pc case you should have enough room.

Only been reading parts about growing for the last day or so lol. So I didn't really understand that, so I'll do abit of searching :) cheers mate!

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Hey gotmuchies,

If you plan on growing one plant make sure you buy fem seeds bud.

Do like I did, read a shitload and then dive in. Hands on experience will help you more than reading too much because it just becomes overwhelming.

Good luck. Keep us updated.