grow box


Active Member
I'm not sure if grow box is tall enough i have 35 inches from light to medium
i have a ebb & flow and a 400 watt hps running 250 cfm for intake and out take light is inclosed and vented so the heat should not be a prob.
the only way i could get more room is
1. seperate ebb & flow and run side by side instead of on top of eachother
2.tear down closet shelf and redo box :cry:
so my question is is 35 inches enough room to grow a good size plant and produce a good yeild. I have gone this far and i want to do this right the first time (babies will be her in 2 days) so i need to get er done quick like.
thanks for reading post late
grow room is now finished /i made my box 8' tall "watch out boyz cause here i come it's on like donky kong.!
babbies will be here in 2 days its a really strong clone of some "silver"


Active Member
That's tight, dude. SCROG may be your best bet. I have a 250 hps, and I can get within 2" of the tops safely, but I think the 400 needs 6" or more.
What do you mean by 35"? Bulb to bottom? Or usable space.