Grow Closet - Proposed Layout - Suggestions?


New Member
Hi Guys,

I am putting together a layout for a closet grow, I will be using T5's and a SCROG method. I am limited to a closet, and am hoping to maximize space. Do you guys have any thoughts/suggestions/concerns with this layout? I am debating how many plants I should try to grow in there at once, and what size pots I should use. I am undecided on strain as of right now. I appreciate all constructive input!

Schematic of layout


Well-Known Member
You will want a roof for the flowering chamber because there can't be light in the drying area


Active Member
Depends on your space and what you wanna do mate. I'd say put a couple in and see how you go. If you had a bit more light I'd say go with one big one and keep it bushy and you would probably yield a bit better than two or three small ones. But, I don't actually know, still new to growing myself.

Just had a look at ya plan, might as well just go with that and see how you go man, it'll be very packed in there though.


New Member
You will want a roof for the flowering chamber because there can't be light in the drying area
Thank you, good point. I do not want to put a roof on the flower chamber as it will restrict the air circulation, and the ability for the carbon filter to remove the odor of those plants. I want to hang the buds in there to minimize the smell by utilizing the carbon filter the closet will have. What do you think about this idea;

Edit: Or will this just completely bypass the filter?


New Member
Depends on your space and what you wanna do mate. I'd say put a couple in and see how you go. If you had a bit more light I'd say go with one big one and keep it bushy and you would probably yield a bit better than two or three small ones. But, I don't actually know, still new to growing myself.

Just had a look at ya plan, might as well just go with that and see how you go man, it'll be very packed in there though.
Thanks for the input...yeah I am thinking about doing 4-6 3 gal. pots in the flowering chamber to reduce the crowding.


Active Member
Should be fine then man. Haven't seen a T5 grow before so I don't know what they're capable of. In the end, you can only think about it so long. Best way to find out is to do it and see what happens. If there's too much plant in there just bend em, should be a problem if you're running scrog.


hi mate, closet should work fine, air inlet with fan down the bottom and fan forcing air through filter up top, recommend resinator and silica, i grow 1 plant and average 14 to 16 oz but i don't use soil, i lay plant down so it grows out thus filling the space.


Well-Known Member
nevermind where you want to hang the buds at to dry, that is completely irrelevant in the design of your grow room.

also, what is the point of having a small "clone/early veg" room if you are going to be both vegging and flowering in the big room anyways? I would suggest, if you have two rooms, might as well do a perpetual grow and have one room be permanently vegging and the other room permanently flowering. There will be more harvests in less time that way. Or you could use the whole room and do both veg and flower, but i don't see the point of the little clone chamber for this size grow imo.

otherwise, looks pretty good i must say. remember you are going to want to access your plants so if they are crammed in the back of the room and you can't get to them that will be a problem.


New Member

Thanks for the input. I am kind of limited by the lighting. I have the 4'x8 bulb T5's (2 different sets of bulbs; 6400k for veg and 3000k for flower), and a 2'x6 bulb T5 (2 different sets of bulbs). So my space is going to be divided into 2/3, and 1/3. I figure i can start the clones in the 2'x2' area under a humidity chamber, and as they grow, up the lights and start the veg process, while the 4'x2' area is working the fowering process. And as soon as the flowering process is done, switch over the plants that have started to veg to the larger area to continue the veg process, and start the clones again in the 2'x2' area. And repeat. Does this make sense? Do you see any issues?

You are definitely right about maintaining access to the back plants, it could be tough to prune and train for SCROG like that. Maybe limit to 4 plants (5 gal pots?) to keep it a bit more open?

I am trying to consolodate the buds into the system to utilize the carbon filter to keep the scent down, but I can just buy another one for a drying room if I need to. I am trying to avoid overcomplicating this, but I tend to overthink things.

Really appreciate the feedback, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hello friend, glad to be recognized by my real name, but now I am obligated by law to mention that I am a registered sex offender.

Anyways, I don't know much about T5's so I can't really speak on that. But if you're limited on lighting you can always grab some cheap CFL's. But about the clone chamber, what exactly are you cloning from? Generally you would need a well established mother plant that is always vegging in order to take clones. Where will this mother be? In the small clone chamber? Also, you can't take clones from flowering plants if that's what you were planning. I have tried it several times with no success. Generally, you can only take a clone from a plant in the vegetation cycle. The stems get woody in flowering stage.

I see what you're saying about switching the plants and then starting new clones, but the problem I see is that there is going to be way more time needed in the flowering cycle than in the clone/veg cycle, so the timing just won't match like you want. It will take at least 8 weeks of flowering and probably only half that of vegging.

So... once again I suggest you make the large room permanently flowering, and then you can just move vegged plants in there when they are ready. Do it as Sea Of Green so the plants don't have to be very large and can be fully vegged in the smaller room. Plus, there's no need for the plants to all mature at the same time when the room is permanently flowering, you can just take ones out when their ready and add more from the vegging room.

It's not the number of plants that matters it's the total canopy size.


New Member

Thanks for bearing with me here. I thought I could clone from the plants during the veg period, as I will be trimming the lower branches to train them to SCROG. In your experience does this seem viable?

So the timing probably won't work to my benefit here eh? I am considering scratching the 2 separate room idea and just doing one large room for six 5 gal plants and keeping them vegging/flowering at the same time, and SCROGging them. This being my first grow, the simplicity of this is enticing. If I have moderate success I might build a separate box with new lighting to start the vegging in to keep it efficient.


Well-Known Member
It's just Analrapist, one word. You must have a sick mind to view it that way.

I thought I could clone from the plants during the veg period, as I will be trimming the lower branches to train them to SCROG. In your experience does this seem viable?
OK so you take the clones during the veg period, then what, put them in the small chamber for the next 10 weeks while the plants flower? The clones will be huge at the end of 10 weeks of vegging, that small room cannot contain it! And it would be kind of pointless to try and maintain those clones over the next 10 weeks just waiting for the flowers to finish when you could use that space for something more productive.

I am considering scratching the 2 separate room idea and just doing one large room for six 5 gal plants and keeping them vegging/flowering at the same time, and SCROGging them. This being my first grow, the simplicity of this is enticing. If I have moderate success I might build a separate box with new lighting to start the vegging in to keep it efficient.
Good thing about that is you can just reveg the plants after you harvest them. No need to start new seeds or clones, guess sex etc.. and you won't need to transplant them for multiple cycles if you use large pots like 5 gal. Just don't kill the plants when you harvest, leave some lower branches and leaves and switch it back to a 20/4 vegging light cycle or whatever you use, the plants will grow back. There is no reason the plant has to die just because it has ended the flowering stage, it can technically veg and flower infinite times. In nature it is below freezing temps that kill them, but I'm sure around the equator some marijuana continues for multiple years.

Some people will criticize the reveg method, but it is a lot easier than planting new seeds, guessing sex, taking clones, transplanting, etc. and you can get large plants that way over multiple cycles, plants that start large at the very beginning of the vegging cycle, unlike seeds and clones that have to start small, so it probably cuts down on vegging time once established. Strange though, you don't hear many pros advocating this method, I'm not sure why...


New Member
Yeah the small room idea is not going to work.

Well that sounds like a good idea. I will check out reveg, as that seems like an ideal method. I am getting all the hardware installed in the closet today, so hopefully I will have it done by midweek and can get some plants in there!