Grow Diary - AK 48 & Super Skunk


200 Watt CFL (Veg)
400 Watt HPS (Flower)
Coco Professional Plus In 11L Square Pots
Bio Grow
TNC Molasses
Canna Vege
2x 4" Fans (Veg)
Rotating 7" Fan (Flowering)

Closet Grow Dimensions Below:
Width: 4 Foot
Height: 6 Foot, With 5 Foot Grow Space
Depth: 2 Foot
I did my first grow under one 200 watt CFL, using compost, out of 4 plants I got 1 and half oz dried bud, im after topping this time, im growing 2 AK 48 & 2 Super Skunk, SS germinating at moment, but AK 1 week since potted... any advice so far I will keep updating this and will re write up more detailed once finished
2x AK:
2014-01-27 14.33.18.jpg
2014-01-27 14.33.12.jpg
Closet - Havnt Got Fan In Yet:
2014-01-27 20.59.13.jpg
2014-01-27 20.59.05.jpg
Any advice or suggestions, I would appreciate a lot , Would It Be Possible I Could Get 4oz Of Dried Quality Bud???
* * ** *


Well-Known Member
If you use multiple 23 watt cfl's you'd be better off... Easily able to cover more area of the plant as well as *GASPS* more lumens!

8 23watt CFL's @ 1,600 lumens each = 184 watts and 12800 lumens. Cost $21.94 for 8. $10.97 a 4 pack at home depot.

1 200watt CFL @ 10,000 lumens = Shit, I done fucked myself in the ass. Shoulda got the 23 watt cfl's :/ Cost $79.95

Doesn't anyone use google and math now a days??? Seem's like no one does. But hey, it's your money you are wasting, not mine.

Also, stick to using the lucas formula/method ( If you can return some of that SHIT do so NOW! Go get some REAL molasses, UNSULFURED, at the super market.

the space is good, I suggest either SOG or SCROG (

Tips for CFL growing


So. Basically I'm wasting my time veging under cfl? Even tho there going under hps in flower? And what yield will I be looking at ESTIMATE


Well-Known Member
So. Basically I'm wasting my time veging under cfl? Even tho there going under hps in flower? And what yield will I be looking at ESTIMATE
Never wasting time vegging unless you want to go the 12/12 from seed route. Also, ESTIMATE is up to the grower.. don't expect shit and be surprised when you harvest. But you will get DENSER buds with that HPS. It sure does paying for it doesn't it?

If they sell light bulbs then yes, they should have the fixtures for them


Active Member
Mate youll get way,way more now that youre flowering under the 400w hps,that 200w cfl is just shite compared to that,although they do have their uses,i like to use mine for vegging as i like to veg in a small cupboard where mh wouldnt be plausible cause of the heat itd give off.
Yes you can get cfls from b&q,my baby brother now lives in the UK and thats where he gets alot of his shit.Just be careful though,unless theres a specific reason you need to use cfl ,as you can end up spending as much or more than it would cost to just buy an mh or hps.
Looking forward to seeing how you do with the super skunk,all the best and good luck