Grow directly in fresh sun baked cow poop.

Now its clones not seeds? Did you mouth molest the rooted clones before transplanting? Lol jk jk
You are well intentioned in your grow style. I can get on board with that. Your soil is too much in some aspects and too little in others. Adequate watering to runoff, beneficial microbes and dolomite are things to consider down the line if issues arise.
In the cannabis nurseries it was too much nitrogen in the cow manure which was well aged, i get from the same place but mix in my outdoors holes and sits 2 weeks before transplanting. In the straight compost it was a visually confusing look of WTF! There was some micronutrient deficiencies caused by other micronutrients toxicities. Lab soil and tissue samples gave us that answer.
Hello the seed i planted in just cow poop

That is tge experiment

These other plants are just plants i have
Is not the nitrogen in cow manure more readily available.

I assumed with Fresh cow dung it would be slow release.

The issue was pathogens and seeds the sun takes care of that.
Even aged composted manure is more than pure shit, it includes straw or other bedding that has soaked up urine and probably will have some sand
The sun will "sterilize" not completely only what is in direct sunlight and the depth of UV rays. Not the interior of a fresh pattie. Thermophilic composting sterilizes pathogens and most other beneficials. This condition wont be met in a cow pattie. So there is an increased chance of a pathogen for plant or person.
Nitrogen in urea and ammonium is very readily available in manure when 1-2 days fresh. After that its mostly nitrates and derivatives, which can easily be toxic to plants. Especially large volume slow release.
You can brush your teeth with urine too.
Just giving you facts that may or may not be useful during your trials.
Good luck.
You can brush your teeth with urine too.
Just giving you facts that may or may not be useful during your trials.
Good luck.
I'm just saying they kill pathogens.

I understand there is a risk of contamination.

But it is said that when using fresh manure one should apply it 120 days before harvest to eliminate the concern of pathogens.

In theory fresh sun dried cow dung is

Has no weeds
And is slow releasing.

I like that youn point out nitrogen levels but sun baking takes minimum 3 days.

The product is in theory perfect.

It works well when I cut it, the question is can I use it all by itself.

I don't see why not.
Why don’t farmers grow in cow pies? If it worked well at all, we would have farm fields of pure shit everywhere.

We don't do this because of the antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and herbicides.

As long as we are told nature is not safe to use then people can make money by selling a product that is deemed safe.

But the effort we undergo to make something safe is silly. First we kill everything in the soil only to then spend money amending it.
We don't do this because of the antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and herbicides.

As long as we are told nature is not safe to use then people can make money by selling a product that is deemed safe.

But the effort we undergo to make something safe is silly. First we kill everything in the soil only to then spend money amending it.
Cow dung collected from a cow that lives naturally
raised without the use of hormones antibiotics pesticides and herbicides will in turn have nothing bad in it that you need to kill.
Well, not quite what it says on the box. or at least the thread.

Thought the seeds were going to be grown in 3 day old cow poop. Now it also has worm casings and peat moss as well as whatever comes in the bag. So not three day old cow dung. Which I am guessing the seeds will be able to grow in. Because seeds to get spread around the farm when an animal eats them and the seeds germinate in the dung. Mainly weeds though. But we are talking about growing weed in it. As far as the box of dung, does not look like three day cakes I have seen. Most likely more than three days.

Never grew up on the farm but my day bought a quarter section next to a farmer friend and we grew our vegetables on it. The friend did have cows though, and I did get to see how they fertilized the soil. Takes more than three days to dry though. As far as pathogens passed through the cow's gut, I would not trust the sun to kill them all. Used to put a chunk of dung in the hole with every piece of potato we planted. That was also more than 40-50 years ago, no idea if there was much pharmaceuticals fed to his livestock then. Will the seeds grow in peat mixed with cow and worm dung? Sure. Will it have everything for the plants to grow their best? we will see.
Well, not quite what it says on the box. or at least the thread.

Thought the seeds were going to be grown in 3 day old cow poop. Now it also has worm casings and peat moss as well as whatever comes in the bag. So not three day old cow dung. Which I am guessing the seeds will be able to grow in. Because seeds to get spread around the farm when an animal eats them and the seeds germinate in the dung. Mainly weeds though. But we are talking about growing weed in it. As far as the box of dung, does not look like three day cakes I have seen. Most likely more than three days.

Never grew up on the farm but my day bought a quarter section next to a farmer friend and we grew our vegetables on it. The friend did have cows though, and I did get to see how they fertilized the soil. Takes more than three days to dry though. As far as pathogens passed through the cow's gut, I would not trust the sun to kill them all. Used to put a chunk of dung in the hole with every piece of potato we planted. That was also more than 40-50 years ago, no idea if there was much pharmaceuticals fed to his livestock then. Will the seeds grow in peat mixed with cow and worm dung? Sure. Will it have everything for the plants to grow their best? we will see.
Guys the seed was planted in only cow poop.

These are just plants I have on the go.
How many weed, or grass seeds that make it thru rumination sprout in cowmanure that isnt at least 4 months old. Ive never seen it in all the fields ive walked. How many windblown seeds germinate like that? Or even dormant seeds underneath a pattie. Never seen it. Reasons that is not the norm for seed germination for oh say centuries.
How many weed, or grass seeds that make it thru rumination sprout in cowmanure that isnt at least 4 months old. Ive never seen it in all the fields ive walked. How many windblown seeds germinate like that? Or even dormant seeds underneath a pattie. Never seen it. Reasons that is not the norm for seed germination for oh say centuries.
No seeds sun kills em
How many weed, or grass seeds that make it thru rumination sprout in cowmanure that isnt at least 4 months old. Ive never seen it in all the fields ive walked. How many windblown seeds germinate like that? Or even dormant seeds underneath a pattie. Never seen it. Reasons that is not the norm for seed germination for oh say centuries.
I see what your saying
In nature you don't see seeds germinating in a cow patty.

Thats a good point.
I see what your saying
In nature you don't see seeds germinating in a cow patty.

Thats a good point.
If a farmer wants to grow a cover crop if covering s field he can feed the cows clover.

The clover seeds in the poop will germinate
Thats how farmers in some regions like India do it.

The difference is the cows here.