I've been using Growdots and also the company's Recharge in my 3 gallon cloth pots for over a year. My plants have been very healthy and nothing has been this easy for me....today a friend suggested that in flowering I could add some sort of liquid bloom formula, which I had never even thought about. If anyone here thinks it might be a good thing or not, I'm interested in hearing.
I'd only add something if it looks like they need it. You can definitely grow awesome weed with it or without it, just without it there's more measuring, then Ph balancing, then Ph drift, nutrition precipitates falling out, Grow Dots does what they say "Takes the guesswork out of growing good cannabis" - Scotty Real
Will Grow Dots give you the ultimate expression of that particular plant? Probably not. You can add to the Dots whatever you like, just be careful of duplicitive amendments. I can see adding a bit of a bloom enhancer maybe, and of course more cal-mag of your in coco. Although the newest formulation is supposed to have doubled the calcium, and magnesium.
Hmm I do have some "Flower Girl" sitting over there, maybe?
As long as it isn't absolutely vital that your grow succeed, experiment, play around with feeding your girls. You may find their ultimate buffet and they just explode, or you may just be throwing money out the window. Without experimentation and documentation knowledge will never expand.
Slap your lab coat on, and get mixy with it!