Grow Equipment Needed


New Member
I'm currently wanting to start a grow and want to know where the best place would be to get a complete hydroponic set up does anyone know somewhere or is anyone around gold coast


Well-Known Member
Piecemeal the equipment together from online. All of your main components can be bought on Amazon.

My first grow is hydro. I've done an extreme amount of reading to the point my wife doesn't think I like her anymore. Nutes start off basic...I use GH Flora Nova series.

Cheap isn't always the way to go.


Well-Known Member
don't use soil....go soilless...use promix or sunshine #4.... best growing mediums out there IMO

Especially if your a newbie...hydro you can fuck up quick

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
I got all my gear off kijiji.(Canadians Craigslist)

A bit of driving but I saved alot of money on a killer set up for my first time.