grow help outdoors


Active Member
So this is the first time i will ever be attempting growing.

I'm on Probation:cuss:and i have parents that don't advocate anything "illegal." So I have to grow outdoors. But that's not to bad, back to nature the way it started. Plus that can help take care of a lot of tasks anyways.

So anyways, I live in the midwest. So i'll start germinating indoors, and I'll transplant outdoors. I have already started making a compost pile and preparing a spot.

Temperatures around here stipulate that you plant in late April and Harvest sometime in mid to late October.

The spot is about 50 feet up on a "hilltop." Which probably isn't the right way to describe, because it's more like a valley dug out by a river. But there's water running nearby.

It's in a forest area. I'm clearing trees for as much sunlight as possible. It probably won't get as much sunlight as some experts on RIU would expect, but i don't have the luxuries available at the moment to have everything perfect. Gotta do what i can with what i got.

Great thing is that it's surrounded by massive thorn bushes, and i've built a wall with cleared out forest plants and small trees. I HIGHLY doubt it'll be found. Mostly the only people who go back here besides myself are little kids who wouldn't know what it was if they found it, which i doubt they will...

So there are a few questions i have to ask. I've done research on here, but it's just a couple of things that direct answers really are the best thing for.

First, which type of strain would you recommend on growing here in this sort of climate and area? Something fairly easy to grow. A hardy plant that's capable of handling a few adversities, because since it's my first time growing i'm bound to mess up somewhere along the line... i'll try not to.

Not necessarily grade A kill, but something that's pretty good. I'm not too picky a guy, I haven't smoked in 2 months, and it'll be another 4-7 before i can.

Also, if i germinate them inside, what should i do exactly with that? Put them in a potting soil in a dixie cup or something like that? Then how long do i keep them? until just after they break the surface. Or should i hold them for a few days/week until i transplant them?

What are some experts recommendations on like a soil mix. Because i don't plan on just potting soil this whole thing. I have ZERO income to spend on only the most important things. So I know that for the most part soil in the midwest is high in clay. So what would you guys recommend i do to treat and prep the soil where i'm growing?

Man, i'm just such a newb on this. Anything that is possibly helpful i would love to hear it. All help is much appreciated.

It's only January, but I promise to put up picks of the whole grow, from "seed to smoke" lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, welcome to RIU, and first off I can't stress "READ, READ, READ!!!" enough. Sounds like you can use a lot more knowledge.
I don't have all your answers, but a good strain to grow outside would be "Durban Poison", or if you want a early crop you can try stuff like "early girl", and "early special". You could even do some yummy "Northern Lights" outside.
I personally start seeds in 16 oz. party cups, and transfer after a few weeks, right into 3 gal. pots.

That's all I got for you man, Good Luck on the grow, and keep us all posted.... PEACE


Active Member
yea i know. I read a good deal. It just seems that most threads and posts are dedicated to more specific cases and whatnot. I'm sure if i weren't such a lazz @$$ then i would probably find for the most part what i need.

But just posting is quicker... sorry for being a nuisance.

Personal preference on a soil to use for potting cups? I hear miracle grow sucks... of course that's 90% of anything they stock. Damn the system! lol

I'll check out those strains. Thanks a million man!
I'll keep posted. Though it'll be a while, since it's only January.


Well-Known Member
Personally I can grow some good bud w/ MG.
Of course just by saying that I will now receive a ton of hate mail. Ppl say it sucks, and they usually recomend "FOX FARM", which I agree is also good, but MG really isn't all that bad, I like to mix in Perlite w/ it. I do about 25-30% PERLITE.
GL on the grow again : )


Active Member
right on man. Thanks!

I'll start posting up pics and progress as soon as i can. I'm sure i'll have some more questions along the way to ask.


Well-Known Member
Do u got like a forrest in ur backyard? I live in the midwest too, probly pretty close to ur spot on the map from ur temp descriptions.... Anyways, if ur new to growing, i think outdoors is probly the best way to go, all u gotta do really, is plant it, and keep it alive and u'll be suprised what u can get. NO worries cesar, I aint gonna hate on ya for reccommeding mg, cuz in reality, ur absolutly right, it aint that bad, BUT myself, I wouldn't reccomend it for small seedlings because... well u know why, just too much too soon. I've used it on seedlings before though without any probs. I'd use, well I DO use, the Scotts stuff(it's even made by miracle gro) mixed with perlite. The scott's potting mix just has A LOT less nutes in it than any of the miracle gro soils(less nute, less chance of burn) which makes it better for seedlings imo, and they sell it anywhere theysell miracle gro i think.


Active Member
No... not directly in a backyard. It's a healthy walk, but since they expelled my @$$ i won't be worrying to much about it. I got nothing else to do.

Haha really? well if you come across any "wild" appearing plants on a hillside near a river in a forest, please don't take it lol.

I've been checking out Nirvana for the first time. Like the site, it's nicely organized and not confusing. But i've got my eye on two they have under outdoors: Durban Poison like Cesar recommended, and Early Misty.

Any experience with either? Pro's/Con's

And do you seriously just order them to your house? I mean that's risky business isn't it.

edit: found this one strand, top44. Sounds reasonable. Looks cool, it's not your typical green. Lol i get off on the not important shnitt... But it does stay reasonably low and doesn't branch much, which is both good and bad. I have a reasonable space to grow, but it's not huge. I'm sure i can get a couple plants.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had any experience w/ either, but I've heard great things about Durban Poison, and that's why I recomended it. I have smoked it though, very nice high.
BTW it is not risky at all. I have em shipped right to my house, they usually come in a package (EDIT: I really shouldn't have said)
Some ppl will tell you to get a P.O. box, but I never bothered, and if they are found they will simply be confiscated by customs, and you will receive a note stating that they did so. You will in no way face any legal actions.


Active Member
haha thats funny stuff. (Edit: Not a clue what is funny stuff though.)

I sure hope i won't. Man it wouldn't be good at all 3 months out of lock-up i'm caught ordering weed seeds.
Yea, i'll end up doing some more research on different strains. Really i was going to just get whatever i could get my hands on to make it easy, since it is just a first grow. But i guess getting good shnitt online isn't that difficult.


Well-Known Member mine in 8days. Send em somewhere else if at all possible, not worth the risk. I may very well come accross ur plant since I'm always out fishing on the Provo.... shit i compromised my location!!! No worries though, I aint a thief, and I'm growin my own anyway, so at most if I DID happen to come accross it, I may admire it to some extend, but I assure u I won't be takin it. I always hear my buddys tellin me, 'ya, man, i got this plant growin in my backyard'.... big mistake, u never tell ANYONE! ... Then, like a month later, when their plants not even budding, I find out someone jacked their plant! I mean seriously, what're they gonna do, smoke the leaves? LOL... Seriously though, DON'T TELL ANYONE WHAT UR UP TO!!! IT'S BAD NEWS WAITIN TO HAPPEN!!!


Well-Known Member
i haven't had any experience w/ either, but i've heard great things about durban poison, and that's why i recomended it. I have smoked it though, very nice high.
Btw it is not risky at all. I have em shipped right to my house, Some ppl will tell you to get a p.o. Box, but i never bothered, and if they are found they will simply be confiscated by customs, and you will receive a note stating that they did so. You will in no way face any legal actions.

dude what are u doing????? If u want to keep getting those orders then don't expose the details of packaging!!!! Big no no!!! He'll find out when the order comes.


Well-Known Member
You know after I had posted that I felt like I shouldn't have. I hope this doesn't close down the whole world-wide ops seedbanks got going on now : (


Active Member mine in 8days. Send em somewhere else if at all possible, not worth the risk. I may very well come accross ur plant since I'm always out fishing on the Provo.... shit i compromised my location!!! No worries though, I aint a thief, and I'm growin my own anyway, so at most if I DID happen to come accross it, I may admire it to some extend, but I assure u I won't be takin it. I always hear my buddys tellin me, 'ya, man, i got this plant growin in my backyard'.... big mistake, u never tell ANYONE! ... Then, like a month later, when their plants not even budding, I find out someone jacked their plant! I mean seriously, what're they gonna do, smoke the leaves? LOL... Seriously though, DON'T TELL ANYONE WHAT UR UP TO!!! IT'S BAD NEWS WAITIN TO HAPPEN!!!

haha yea i know what you mean. I won't be telling anyone. This is a grow between me and a friend that i jam with, have been in a band with, get high with, and am splitting the cost/ work of growing with.

but other than that, i only told my preacher at confession... hehe:fire:
shoot, i doubt. I don't know of anyone around here that actually grows where i'm at... of course that's the point though, no one should know...

I live within a 20 mile radius of Indianapolis, in any random direction. So now you know if you're in jeopardy. don't worry though, i wouldn't jip somone. Growing is work and it's pretty much like your child. I know i like my plants more than little kids, personally. So i would kill any mo' fo' i caught stealing from me. I wouldn't do the same.


Well-Known Member
Ya, hahaha lol. Plants are sooooo much better than kids. Kids are so damn annoying, but I love my plants : )


Active Member
that's the truth. Man... i go nuts dealing with my nephew for like 15 minutes. Drives me so insane i just feel like rolling a fat one and gettin' ripped. though of course, i have a probation meeting tomorrow!
haha wouldn't wanna do that.

My biggest birth control is kids themselves... if i find out i'm a father, i'm robbing a bank and crashing through the border. i aint never coming back.

oh hey, quick Q. how close would you recommend planting together without crowding???