grow house is 0.2mile (1056ft) away from shool => Need legal advice


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm about to rent a house at a very good location and it is actually one of my buddy's sister-in-law house and the only problem this house is only 0.2mile=1056ft away from an elementary school. I'm thinking of 1056ft is greater than 1000ft then it should be OK. Is it really?


Well-Known Member
I live in a legal state, and I still hide it to a extent. 56 feet is not enough for me to flaunt it. I would be discrete, one cop that doesn't like pot or you, or you and your pot and your on they're radar.


New Member
Thanks for your reply mac. Of course I prefer to be discrete, I just worry about extra school zone violation charge if busted.


Well-Known Member
I would too, and imagine if you were over legal weight? There are still a lot of people that are against pot. I would imagine a school would have a lot of them kinds of people coming and going. Just be smart, good luck.


New Member
10 membership with 60plants and I always never exceed the legal limit though. Actually there is no limit such as 99 plants or 6mature/12unmature plants kinda thing as long as you can prove there is more needed within your member. Again I still don't wanna cross it but still wanna make sure there is no double charge though.


Well-Known Member
Does your buddy's sister-in-law know your plans? If not, I would suggest going commercial.


Well-Known Member
Where I live a commercial space that could accommodate 100-150 plants is around $4000, and rent in a residential neighborhood can be similar.


Well-Known Member
How are you measuring the distance? 56 ft isn't much of a cushion. We had a registered sex offender move into town a few years ago. He used Google maps to check distance to the schools to make sure he was ok, it said he was fine. When the local police got calls about him from neighbors(over nothing, just didn't want him there) they measured, straight line, to his house. He was 20 ft short. He was arrested and charged, dragged through the legal system, etc, etc.

It would be to close for me to feel good about it.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Not legal advice, but really, you do know they change those diameters all the time right? Keep the risks manageable. Find a home further away. Sucks, but so do the politicians.

You are one cop making a simple claim away from serious enhanced penalty territory. Same for a simple town meeting where they vote to change the ordinance to 2000 feet.


Well-Known Member
Not legal advice, but really, you do know they change those diameters all the time right? Keep the risks manageable. Find a home further away. Sucks, but so do the politicians.

You are one cop making a simple claim away from serious enhanced penalty territory. Same for a simple town meeting where they vote to change the ordinance to 2000 feet.
If your already there when they change ordinance, they can't force you to comply. You would (should) be grandfathered.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Another scenario. Your filter quits, or a hose fails during the day and teachers on the playground smell your grow.

What do you think will happen next?

Legal or not, I wouldn't want to have a news crew on my doorstep as cops go in and out, or worse, end up on an episode of cops.

Jon E. Doe

Well-Known Member
If a city changes an ordinance (perhaps because they got wind of your grow), they have two choices:
1. Consider you to be legally non-conforming (grandfathered in).
2. Order you to conform under threat of penalty. (Maybe because they consider it a potentially dangerous situation for the kids)

In most cases, it is number 1, as stated above. However this isn't most cases. This is growing weed, which is still a federal crime. Any asshole politician can claim that since you're breaking a fed law you must comply (get rid of the grow or move), which could be disaterous if they give you a 7 day ceast & desist letter mid flower. And most locations can do so if they deem it a health and safety issue.

It's a tough call. I'd consult a liar (ahem, lawyer), and weigh the Risks vs. Rewards, that's an awfully short margin of error.

Good luck whichever way you go.


Well-Known Member
Is it measured from the closest point of property line to closest point of property line, or door to door, I bet it is the property line , so just be careful and don't assume anything.