Grow Journal #1


Well-Known Member
Well it has been a little over a week in the flower room and things are a cooking:weed:..Everything seems to be going smooth..some plants have grown about 8 inches and they are all healthy:hump: I have only two in the veg stage now and I have started G3...anyway here are the pics..



Well-Known Member
Going on 4 weeks of flowering and everything is going smooth.By this weekend I will add one more 400HPS and another tray to the room for the final flush and to bolster production of meds.. :leaf: know the more the merrier routine... :weed: anyway I now have G4 going which is Trainwreck...I plan on having 6 moms to choose from...the only problem is my Snow White Mother isnt doing well...maybe she dwarfed or something??? She is in the first photo and she is over 2 months old!! The other moms beside her are only a month old and they are kicking tail...The ones vegging are White Widow and White Deisel....anyway here are pics..:peace:



Well-Known Member
if you want that first one to realy bush out for babies take the top half of the plant away at the main stem and watch it branch out real quick.

lookin good though, nice and green


Well-Known Member
Thanks you just cut the top "Half" of the entire plant off huh? I will try it...I am going to clone it also as the other Snow Whites in the flower room are kicking butt :clap: and I definitly want to keep a Mom out of it..just in case I kill it. Thanks for all your info...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..:weed: 6 more weeks and I should be enjoying the fruit of my labor...


Well-Known Member
i do. just pick a spoyt were you want for the hieght of the plant and cut it. then the side branches at the main stem will grow out. then you cut those and the multiply and so on and so on.

if you can take a close up from top to bottom of it. try to get the lower half more. send it here and i will photoshop were to cut it.


Well-Known Member
I say nearing the end of a long grow cause as you know the first grow is the longest :blsmoke: Well I believe all in all I will get a little bud out of my first six ladies...I am now flushing them with ph water for a week and then the Harvest....:blsmoke: I will dry them for about a week but being the first harvest I won't cure them...just smoke them..bongsmilie Here are some pics..the first being my new Blueberry Mom and then my first buds...let me know what you think..:lol:



Well-Known Member
Just a quick summary...I used Ionic Brand nutes and around 5.7-6.0...flowereing under 2- 400 watt HPS...veg under fluros...the first 4 are Pure Power Plant and 2 are Snow Whites....learned alot especially about nutes and as soon as i need a reorder on nutes I will switch to Advanced Nutes and accessories...


Well-Known Member
hey looks good.... they look like they still need some time.... but theyll be some bomb 4sure....nice to see your back....


Well-Known Member much time do you think..They won't be 8 weeks until the 2nd of Nov...hoping they will be ready but i can be patient:) No use in rushing now..


Well-Known Member
yeah the longer you wait the better.... because those keaves look healthy....once those big fan leaves start turning yellow or start dying ....then itll be want your nugs to be real developed....


Well-Known Member
,y leaves look like that almost every time. all that is lack of nitrogen and yes a sign that they usua;y ar close to harvest but i`m not so dure in this case. if you have notices an over all colour chang eto a goldish browny sorta colour then hack dem bitches.
a scope is best but if you dont have onme you can actualy see the buds get darker by the day.

oh ya they should start to yellow now with the flush to


Well-Known Member
yea scope is the way.... but if the plant still let herr go longer.... but bonz is