grow journal#2


Well-Known Member
Here i go again!
My first grow couldnt have gone more smooth. I was able to harvest close to 5 oz of dry chronic with only 150 watt hps. strain was super lemon haze...and it was super

Now im buying another 150 watt setup giving me a total of 300 watt hps, im also palnning on getting a good inline fan too but having trouble finding one, if any1 knows where a good deal is plz let me kno

Im using bagseeds this go around... it was all really good popcorn... so i will be using 4 diff types of bagseed...i plan to have 8 females at the end... so ill give each plant 1 sq ft equaling a total of 8 sq ft... oh and im going for the sog method...

I just started the germination process earlier today, i took 5 seeds out of 4 different bags giving me a total of 20 seeds, i put the 5 seeds from each bag into there own cup so i can label them.....anywayz so im gonna veg all the seeds that sprout... and basically keep the best 8 looking females

if everything goes according to plan, which it nvr does, i will plant these seeds tomorrow or the next day, veg for 2 weeks or less, then start flowering, and im guessing in about a week of flowering ill tell between male/female and choose my best 8 then, and basically flower for another 7-8 weeks and bam im done.

i have no idea what to expect as far as harvest still shocked i was able to harvest 5 oz last time....but then again i had to flower for like 12-13 weeks being it was sative, and i also got 3 harvest from that same plant but thats another story lol... but im just gonna throw out a guess and say 6-7 oz dry weight...

Any comments or critics are appreciated


Well-Known Member
Well my pla100_0993.jpgns are steadily changing. As of now im going to use three 150 watt hps lights. I have about 20 seeds germinating right n100_0994.jpgow.

Here are some pics of my grow room. Its 8x8x4 . planing on using all of it and there is a pic of the soil im using


Well-Known Member
found a good solution for pots...very economical.....ziplock baggies ftw. Just filled em up with soil and i had some left over black poly plastic...wraped the plastic around the for me =)..i only had enough soil for 3...but i plan do do about 30 more of these puppies so i have alot of work ahead of me
