Grow Journal #6- Breeding: Bubblicious² and Sweet Purple, 400w Hps Grow Cab & Outdoor


Well-Known Member
What up man, what you got goin on these days, and where you be? We checkin for updates, how's thangs goin witcha? Thangs is good on my end, just bout got the last of my first harvest dried up, bout to jar it. I think I got about 5 ounces drying up, and I have already got 2 1/2 cured and damn near gone to be honest. But I got more coming so Im not trippin. Got the 8 clones flowering, and two outdoor monsters flowering. If I'm lucky the outdoors ones will finish the same time as my clones, which would mean about a pound at harvest time. I'm expectin at least 4 O'z off each off my two outdoor ladies. They are lookin great too. Aite my man that's it for now. I'll be in touch. Keep it up, your ladies are lookin great. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I titled this post "thats some bullsht" bcuz of these damn Sweet Purple plants!

theyre growing soo slow, I dunno if they can keep up with the b2!
I might have to use one of my b2's as a mother plant and take some clones off her, then just cross her with the strawberry cough next journal, only problem is that the strawberry cough is ALL feminized so Id have to hope for a hermie!! all depends on the sweet purple tho.
the male is growing so scronny and skinny and slow! its like he releases one pollin sack per week! thats not enough to impregnate my lady!

but besides that, everything is good. I fed them twice this week bcuz going into week 5 of budding is gonna take a lot outta the plants. they use up most of their potassium(K) and phosphurous(P) their 5th and 6th week of flowering for some reason
...U can tell bcuz the leaves will start to yellow at the top of the plant. eventually they will grow brown spots starting in the middle of the leaf and eventually die right off the plant if I dont address it.
so what I do is -
instead of increasing the AMOUNT of food I give them, I feed them more frequently.
(for example, ive been feeding them 1/4 strength nutes the entire grow, and will continue to do so. but instead of only feeding them once per week like Ive been doing, I'll feed them 1/4 strength nutes twice per week.)


Well-Known Member

b2 -indoor

b2 -indoor (cont.)

Sweet Purple

wow..this bitch on the phone just pissed me off.

Zeke & RU8 Ill hit U guys up later.




Well-Known Member
the leaves are so straight and pointy bcuz my temps peaked at 95*F today. thats actually HEAT STRESS..the AC is on now so its all gravy...



Well-Known Member
Got a few shot for yall early birds on this beautiful sunday morning. I feel incredible today.

I put the sweet purple lady outside, I think Ill leave her there for a few weeks to see how she gets along with that sweet purple male.

I brought the fourth b2 female inside to get some of that 400w lovin and we'll see how everything goes in a few weeks :blsmoke:

hope u enjoy the pics :mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Bubblicious - Been flowering for 3 weeks and 6 days

Bubblicious² or b2

- Been on 12/12 for 9 weeks and 6 days, been flowering for 4 weeks and 6 days

b2 (cont.)

- these 2 are the same age, as the one above.. but these have been growing outside most of the journal..these two have been budding for 1 week and 6 days.

this is the b2 Im going to use as the mother for the next journey..

I'll leave her under 12/12 for a while to get nice and bushy :-)

stay tuned, more to come



Well-Known Member
shit looks top notch partna! hit my journal up soon, ima bang some new pics of my sweet purple on there.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm a bit stoned, but I'm assuming you have most of this grow done already? First post was around the begining of July and it's just now the end of August. I haven't read through the whole journal either, but will get to it. I'm assuming you are doing 12/12 again? Yea, I'm going to go back and read all this - LOL!

Killer looking buds AGAIN man, very tasty looking!


Love the search tags!



Well-Known Member
shit looks top notch partna! hit my journal up soon, ima bang some new pics of my sweet purple on there.
sup ru8!? i swung by ur journal man, that shits crazy! ur advancing pretty fast man, keep it up! I hate how the sweet purple doesnt actually turn purple, but thats another issue for another time. :-/

WOW! Looking amazing I can't believe the progress they have made since I last looked. Keep it up. Makes me have hope one day I can do that
just stay at it and one day you WILL be able to do that, but if u want to learn how to do things righ, I recommend U pick up "The Cannabis Grow Bible" theres a lot of knowledge in those pages :-)
Ok I'm a bit stoned, but I'm assuming you have most of this grow done already? First post was around the begining of July and it's just now the end of August. I haven't read through the whole journal either, but will get to it. I'm assuming you are doing 12/12 again? Yea, I'm going to go back and read all this - LOL!

Killer looking buds AGAIN man, very tasty looking!


Love the search tags!

ya, in about 3 weeks the older two are coming down and then 3 weeks after that the rest are coming down.
and its funny how time flies isnt it? lol
ya its all 12/12 from seed, this may be the last time I do it for a while tho Im not seeing the yeilds that Im used to and its starting to get really dry around here. winter is about to hit and even tho Ive never had to go through a DrOUGHT I know its on its way so Im gonna need a stash to hold me over.

thanks for the compliments GRN! to be honest I dont have much for U to read in this journal, I tried to fill most of my posts with pics and major details and set-backs. its easier for people to follow and we know how everyone loves pics :-)

I'll try to REP U guys as soon as I can, its not working right now bcuz I gave too much rep out in the last 24hrs..:roll:


Active Member
Well Spittin I don't know about everyone else but I have been checking for an update everyday getting excited...So excite me please.:lol:


Well-Known Member

I cut down the first b2 4 days ago, its been drying for a little over 3 days now. i just finished cutting her buds off of the branches and put it all in baggies to cure. eventually itll all be smoked or sold to friends. I'll smoke a sample of her and post a smoke report a lil later. She had been flowering for exactly 7 weeks, and her trichs were 100% cloudy.

The bubblicious is 6 weeks and 4 days into flowering now, she'll be cut down on monday, which will be 7 weeks flowering for her as well.
I have sampled her and so far Im definitely pleased with her euphoric type of high, she also has the stickiest buds of the bunch! only thing was the sample buds I smoked werent dry at all so I got a mad headrush after smoking her.

besides that the last of b2 in the closet are looking fantastic! besides some of the leaves gettin burnt from being too close to the light! Im happy overall tho.

I brought the sweet purple male indoors and im still trying to pollinate the b2 with the sweet purple. that'll be an amazing cross when I accomplish it!

pics to come.


Well-Known Member

she got so heavy I had to tie her up with a red ribbon!


^^those two got burnt for being too close to the light...but its my fault. for the first part of the journal the plants werent at my place so couldnt watch them. but oh well..just another bump in the roda, and it wont stop me!

till next time



Well-Known Member
I took some of the freshly harvested b2 and smoked it tonight. Its pretty good! long lasting high too..It had me sitting out in my car for an hour writing. great high, full body buzz and a mean case of the munchies. it kinda smells and tastes like baby powder. Im gonna smoke it a few more times and maybe invite a few of my ppl over to smoke with me this weekend, I need a second opinion. but it was very smooth and tastey, stays lit, only problem was that the ashes were grey. means I didnt flush her long enough. I coulda at least waited until her leaves started to yellow, that way I woulda knew the nutes were used up.

overall Id give her

out of 5 cups

pics below

after harvest

Ive never been a fan of making hash, so I cut my trimmings up and put them in the bag with the buds to protect the thc from rubbing off, and to make my shake so much more potent!




Well-Known Member
trich pics just in case anybody's interested. as U can see some of the trichs started turning amber. Im not a fan of couch lock so I harvested, but I shoulda waited at least until the leaves started yellowing on the plant

oh well U live and U learn;-):lol:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

edit: I forgot the pics last night! lol



Active Member
Wow man thank you for the update! Things look like they turned out great. Its crazy seeing the difference in real light and the HPS. They look real tasty and I am sure waiting for the leaves to yellow would of been nice but I would still take'em. So next time you will probably stop giving nutes a little earlier so the leaves can yellow to insure they are properly flushed? How long do you think you should stop giving nutes? Well thanks for letting us follow the journey and can't wait to see the rest.

+rep to you my friend