Grow journal - Blue cheese Feedback needed :)


Active Member
looks like it could be a nitrogen def, get yourself some biobizz grow, that should sort it if theres no nutes in the medium


Active Member
leaves can look a bit funky before they've grown properly, i wouldn't worry about it mate, if they look dodgy in a weeks time we will see whats up. It wont just drop dead on you and dont expect your plants to be a brilliant dark green all over unless you've been growing for a good few years. Some of my first plants looked crappy but i still got 2 oz + of nice buds.


Well-Known Member
leaves can look a bit funky before they've grown properly, i wouldn't worry about it mate, if they look dodgy in a weeks time we will see whats up. It wont just drop dead on you and dont expect your plants to be a brilliant dark green all over unless you've been growing for a good few years. Some of my first plants looked crappy but i still got 2 oz + of nice buds.
Nice. Well, my new leaves are clawed, and my older leaves are beginning to claw, I'll check out the nutes anyway, not really read up much on them e.g. concentrations. How much should I use? how often?.

Another little thing on my mind. I wanna top it :). Now, big question. Where the fuck do I chop on MY plant? Since I can't really tell wether it's good. It's kinda like chopping someones head off, so I'm kinda weary.

Some pictures of the stem 'area' so someone could point out to me and stuff. Thanks :)



Active Member
the new growth mate, pull the new tiny leaves up and cut them off, even if you do fuck it up someone decided to name that aswell FIM or 'fuck i missed' lol you end up with more than 2 tops shooting up then, considering this is your first time why not jus LST it? tie it down so all the branches can get a boost.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Well, my new leaves are clawed, and my older leaves are beginning to claw, I'll check out the nutes anyway, not really read up much on them e.g. concentrations. How much should I use? how often?.

Another little thing on my mind. I wanna top it :). Now, big question. Where the fuck do I chop on MY plant? Since I can't really tell wether it's good. It's kinda like chopping someones head off, so I'm kinda weary.

Some pictures of the stem 'area' so someone could point out to me and stuff. Thanks :)
Trust me topping is a piece of piss! look up uncle bens topping technique on here, really simple... What temp is your cab running at? leaves pointing up like that can usually be attributed to heat stress or environmental stress... and the yellowing leaves might be some sort of nute def if your not feeding 'em yet.

A good way to judge topping; If you look at your side branches coming off of the main stem, just chop above the 1st or second set to get 2 or 4 tops.
Ignore the full stops XD

(may go higher than 4 nodes but you can just clone the top if you have space)
....V <---- Main Stem/top
...--- <---- Cut here for 4 tops
...\|/ <---- Side Branches
...--- <---- Cut here for 2 tops

Don't know if that dodgy diagram is any use to you :)

As for nutes just get whatever you decide and read the bottle :) got 1/4 - 1/2 strength to start then gradually build up to full strength.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
ive grown blue cheese for more than 6 months and all of mine have been very nute sensitive. what kind of soil are you using.if it has nutes in it it may be too hot for your baby. i burnt quite a few plants before i got it dialed in. maybe it was just the blue cheese that i got but ive grown at least 60 clones from the mother and all are very sensitive and easy to burn,so it may be your soil.


Well-Known Member
from what a man told someone who i argued with has helped me help you looks like over watering and needs a bigger home itll be happier


Well-Known Member
from what a man told someone who i argued with has helped me help you looks like over watering and needs a bigger home itll be happier
Making space is easy to say, but I haven't got the money or space to develope it into a larger space.

And My soil is some seeding and sowing soil. It has 8 weeks worth of feed according to the packaging. I have been using it for 4 weeks (since start).

And yeah, I' m having a LOT of trouble with keeping the temps right. I rebuilt my box, got 3 fans. One above the lights pushing air down and two of the side for cooling. It's HARD! because Without the side fans it gets two hot. With the side fans it get too cold -.- now I have to leave the door open. And it's bright as FUCK. Trying to deal with it :) Thanks for your input. I'll post pictures in the next 5 mins.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So not updated properly for a while. I bought myself some BioBizz Grow as someone mentioned on here (Thanks I'll rep you when I find ya).

The folding leaves problem has gone! After fixing temperatures, added more lights (130W).

Also it's growth stunted after hitting the heat problem but, I have topped it and I have them growing nice and fast and they look healthy enough.

I used the Biobuzz just mixed a little bit into 1l water, and watered my plants. Ever since the leaves seem to have got much greener and look a lot more healthier and over all growth rate increased.

Stem problem has sorted itself it is nice and thick compared to before :)

And if you decided to skip all the above, heres some pictures ;)



Well-Known Member
Trust me topping is a piece of piss! look up uncle bens topping technique on here, really simple... What temp is your cab running at? leaves pointing up like that can usually be attributed to heat stress or environmental stress... and the yellowing leaves might be some sort of nute def if your not feeding 'em yet.

A good way to judge topping; If you look at your side branches coming off of the main stem, just chop above the 1st or second set to get 2 or 4 tops.
Ignore the full stops XD

(may go higher than 4 nodes but you can just clone the top if you have space)
....V <---- Main Stem/top
...--- <---- Cut here for 4 tops
...\|/ <---- Side Branches
...--- <---- Cut here for 2 tops

Don't know if that dodgy diagram is any use to you :)

As for nutes just get whatever you decide and read the bottle :) got 1/4 - 1/2 strength to start then gradually build up to full strength.
Thanks for this (+rep) decided to give it ago, it's coming along beautifully. Cheers mate.


Active Member
Looking good mate, i wanted to say to you aswell dont listen to half the people that comment here, from what ive read (not from you) theres quite a few idiots lurking in here with the odd decent post! LOL, that topping post was pretty good, even the diagram lol. Told ya bro stick with the biobizz its easy for when you dont have much experience, its hard to burn or overfeed your plants with it. Oh and if your thinking of buying TOPMAX to go with the bloom.....don't. Just get yourself some molasses (unsulphured) its basically the same stuff except you can get the molasses from holland&barratt for about 2 quid!