Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Well guys, all I can say is WHOA, yet again..

Here are possible contributing factors:
2)Pureblend Pro
3)24 Hr Dark Period

Keep those in mind as I'm not sure which is not a combo of all 3 are what caused my sudden growth spurt.. I just woke up to make sure my lights went on at the correct time. I'm going to smoke a small joint and head to sleep again. When I get up in about an hr lol I'll go do the pics and normal morning updates !!!

Great Day Ahead,
8/31 Morning Update - Day 1 Flowering 12/12

Holy Crap did my lil ladies have a spurt... As previously mentioned there are too many factors as to what could have happened however I'm going to offer my opinion on all 3 factors adding to the mix.. So I'm thinking the nutes/superthrive of course helped the plant as I did rather mild dose so as not to burn anything. I was expecting leaf growth and branching from that stuff not really height at all. Now having the lights off for just over 24hrs forced my plants that were used to 18 hrs a day to search for a (non-exsistant) light source, which is why I think they might have done the height growing they did. **I OFFER NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF, THIS IS JUST MY OPINION*<--for those of you who like to point out others mistakes :P .

Anyway, not that anyone was expecting it but no sign of anything just yet, but I guess you guys are getting tired of hearing me talk about this new grwoth and I guess its time to start showing it. I just have to run back to my box to make new marks on my measuring sticks so I can hav a direct comparrison.

Ok, so height findings (check this out D)
8/29 - 1.75"
8/31 - 3"

8/29 - 2.25"
8/31 - 3.10"

So as you can see it doesn't seem like a big spurt but considering it took them 3 weeks to get to the 1st number and then in only 2 days they shot up quite a bit !!

Picture Time ! So I took about 7 pics today, I wanted to get a few more of the new bulbs and colour and what not for those who are super new and still following so they can compare the bulb colours, but unfortunatly my camera batteries died. So I'll go grab more later today but for now I have about 7 shots, i think maybe 8.



Side - Macro (for those who know their preflowers amazingly, maybe u can see ?)

Sharpie - Height ( Compare to an older one)



Sharpie - Height

Thats about it for now everyone, I need a freaking coffee. So as previously stated I'll do my best to get some new batteries before 6pm so I can snap a few more shots. I'm also debating going to like walmart and grabbing 1 GREEN light bulb to put in my box so I can actually work and take pics in there in the Dark time.. Question for those who know.. Is any Green "party" bulb ok.. just has to be in the green spectrum if I'm not mistaken. Let me know if you can thanks,

Alrighty Guys/Gals.. Have a Fantastic Day (Long Weekend If your Canadian.. Happy labour Day)

**EDIT** Forgot to mention, Had to mvoe the lights up about an inch as in the 4hrs the lights have been on, the plants grew up into the light.. this is going to get tricky now as they grow faster I'll be moving the lights more often. For the benefit of ppl like Mount4in I will post each time I do so, just so you guys know :)
I'm also heading to home depot shortly, might grab 1 x 42W 2700K CFL to add to the box.. Question for those using them VS 26W .. That much more heat ? Or whats up ?? Thanks guys...
hey FT looking good, they may grow an inch or more per day now.IME there is not much difference in heat output between 42w and 26w I run a mixture in my box, the 42's are bigger tho
Thanks D, much appreciated man

Ok, as promised I got some new batteries to take the end of my photos, I also managed to score a 42W 2700K bulbs which is now happily in the mix, I also grabbed a small 60W incandescent green bulb for like $1.49... This way the 2 nights a week I get home from work when lights will be out I can flip on the green light and still work with and look at my plants (For those who don't know, the wavelengths put out by a green light bulb will in no real way effect or harm photosynthesis, therefore making it ok to have on during the dark time - Info from Jorge Cervantes) So without furher wait here are a few pics of basically my box setup now with the new lights and colour spectrum ( you can easily compare to a older shot) I will take a photo of the green light on and working later tonight for my evening update.. however for the time being you can see the bulb in the upper left side of the photo, that fixture will most likely end up being used for another 26W bulb if/when the plants get that tall and it'll be for side growth.

Here we go,

and another,

[thats about as high as the temp goes now maybe a bit more if the day is a real hot one out.. and thats as low as the RH% goes. At night its a perfect 78-79 in there and like 45 - 51% RH.. So i'm not too concerned, adding the pantyhose over my exhaust and intake fans is what caused this lil upage, but I'll take the few degrees higher for fur and light filtration.]

Heres a shot of the new 42W, hard to see difference in this pic.. easier in the next one...

In this shot you can see the difference in size of the bulbs incase you don't have your own AND you can see the green bulb in the upper left.

Thats about it for now, i'll do my best to get in there around 5:30 -5:45 to take shots before the ligths go out for the night, and then I'll do an update a little after lights out so I can snap a shot or two of the box with green light on.

Hope Everyones having a badass day !!!!
Looking good FT, ive missed a couple of days of your thread and ive just caught up the reading......lots of great nutes info (different brands in the uk unfortunately) and now ive just learnt a load more about the flowering side.......many thanks guys!
No prob man, was wondering where all my previous readers went too, lol...

SOG = Sea Of Green ; its a growing method, look it up as there is tonnes of info however the brief version would be..having a large quantity of small plants from a mother via clones to constantly have in flower. So if you can imagine always having a small canopy of little green plants... you harvest one batch but at the same time bring the new clones into the flowering room and take new clones from the mom. So the time the clones are ready to harvest the new clones are ready to flower.

If someone can do a better job, Please do. So he can get the best description possible. I think mine explains it ok !

Anyway Good to see ya back man, hows your lil plants doin ??
Just incase anyone was interested in seeing, I took a pic of the ladies sleeping tonight with their green light on.. its only on while I"m in there. Which was to take the pic and then I turned it back off to let them sleep in the pitch black.


Thats all :)
Hey FT correct me if I'm wrong but you raised your light before that little growth spurt didn't you? I think that may be what causes this sudden reach. Same thing happened to me, I raised my lights a couple inches, I check my box the next day and the leaves are right up next to the lights again. I have this little theory, close lights keep the plants short and produce more nodes and lateral growth, whereas if you place your lights a little higher you'll get more vertical growth and more prominent top buds. I mean the nutes and the ST probably helped but you know what I mean. Makes sense to me just a theory though... any comments on how to acheive a perfect balance of prominent side and vertical shoots anybody?
Just incase anyone was interested in seeing, I took a pic of the ladies sleeping tonight with their green light on.. its only on while I"m in there. Which was to take the pic and then I turned it back off to let them sleep in the pitch black.


Thats all :)

That looks fucking cool. Im gunna look for one of those green lights here in the us.
Ahh right i gotcha, cheers girls are coming along nicely....and my wife produced a little girl in the early hours of saturday morning (hence the gap in my reading!) So now i have lots of little girls to look after!!!!
Dr: Yeah having the light is pretty cool, just gives me the option of checking the ladies out in dark time. For instance if they are getting to close to a bulb I can move it and what not

Whoreable: Honestly man, I kinda wish I had myself, I looked at the bottom of HK's pot, its got MAD roots. However in saying that, I've seen ppl grow some extremely nice plants in much smaller pots. I realize that I might have cut my yield but if I clone and mini sog, I'll be fine. Thanks for you input though !!

Mount4in: CONGRATS MAN !!!! Way more happy than if your plants are female.. Way to be a pops !!! You sir are going to be a very busy man, lol.. my boss just had a little girl about a week ago. So many babies poppin Anyway congrats to your wife as well and new little girl. Lets hope this means you have girls all around !!!!


(Update in a couple hrs)
9/1 Morning Update

Morning Everyone, "Happy" Labour day lol More like happy day off !! So not nearly as much to say today, not as much as day 1 of flowering but here we go into the start of day 2. I will be restarting this count once i have confirmed the sexes of the plants. Then it will begin its true flowerin cycle so to speak the 50 - 60 days on the seed pack (for HK that is) No idea about TH. So today I took alot of pictures 13 if I remember correctly. First up are 2 shots of my box with plants and lights, First you'll notice I removed all my smaller veggie plants as they need 24/0 not 12/12 so they're chilling in my half made dresser box downstairs. If you notice in the first shot even though I have my pantyhose filters cat fur still manages to get in whenever I open the door and there is another small crack I can't seem to cover up. However in the second picture you'll notice thats my daily cleaning and how I leave the box every morning after pics. Whilst in there today I started to realize.. I need a small ass circulating fan for the inside of my cab. The plants aren't going to be "monsters" but they're going to need rigid stems to hold up whatever amount of bud they produce. Now I believe I have OK temps in my box as my 2 intake and 2 exhaust fans are doing the trick. The problem is theres just not a constant flow of air on or over my plants and I want to change that. So I have 2 options, 1st is wait till tomorrow and head to walmart and they had a tiny like 4 - 6 " fan for likr 5 bucks. Option 2, is that I have a larger about 10 - 12" oscillating fan that was originally in my box. Its really quite dirty and I'd have to take it apart and give it a serious clean before I allow it back in my box. I do have this fan I speak of blowing on the outside of the box 24/7 so as to make sure I'm always getting fresh air blown at my box/fans etc..



[I've also added a few more cups of water to try and raise the RH% a little and maintain it, I also moved the ladies closer to a fan but not too far out the way]

So now for my plants, HKs looking great definatly new growth still coming up all over the bottom of the plant which is great as it means I'm getting good penetration with the lights still after I moved them up some, I'm probably going to have to move them up a bit more today as the plants tend to do growing in the day now in 12/12 mroe so than before atleast. Ok time for some pics.. Once again everything is taken in Macro so that if you are kind enough to download the side shots and take a look at the preflowering goin on. it'll be great resolution...So on to the pics..


Side - Macro Close up

Side 2

[Taking a zoom look at this photo, you can see the lower leaves almost have the start of a white frost - I know wishful thinking]

Branch Shot

[Some nice colour]

New Growth On bottom of Plant - Also Side Shot



Side - Close Up

Leaf Shot - Just thought it was a really nice photo op

Side by Side - Top Angle

Side by Side - Side Angle

A few final thoughts before I go.. firstly if you read yesterdays update I had stated that my HK is starting to get a citrus/green smell..well same smell today however I just noticed now about (15 - 25 min) after handling the plants my fingers still smell. That can only mean good things...I've been to hell and back looking for those pen holders via Wolfmans Carbon Filters.. I've managed to find 3 cups and I bought them all unfortunatly I can't find any either larger or smaller ones... and well I'm going to need to have smell taken care of by the end of this month as we're having a larger family dinner at my place. The room with the box will be LoCKED, however if at that point they stink, I could be in trouble lol.. So I have a month to figure that one out. I guess thats really about it for now the soil is still moist so no need to feed and I'll just be watching the heights today to adjust lights according.

Hope everyone has an awesome day today.

PS as per usual I'll be around the pc for a few hrs if anyone has questions..or comments.!!
Hey FT they look better every day, try looking at an office supply store for the cups, they are made to hold pens etc on a desk, not sure what you guys have up there too the north office depot or something maybe?
Thanks a lot bigD... Yeah I've checked a few "dollar" stores and walmarts.. next round will be an Office Depot or two, there are two of them close to my work.. I was trying to avoid them as I figured they'd be the highest priced.. but price doesn't matter if they have what I need at this point.

Things are growing great !!
Minor Update...

I cleaned the hell outta my 10" Fan, and put her in the box.. this is TEMPORARY as I realized afterwards I need the tiny fan I saw at walmart, its just easier and less power which is what I need. My box is too small to have this fan move back and forth and on low its just too powerful for my little plants..Its also getting a bit too hot in there for my liking again ( 85-89 ) With the 2nd fixture and 42W in it.. So I turned it off, I'm going to keep it on a odd time sked, maybe like 2 on 3 off during the 12 hr period, we'll see.

Quick Pic..

The one I saw at Walmart is blue and about the side of the middle of this one.. i can stack the new one on a few dvds at the left side of the box and let it blow right across the plants/bottom of bulbs should be perfect !!

Hope your having a good one,