Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

hey bud if you get a chance I was wondering if you could answer some questions i got about my plant the buds are not growing very fast and the top seems to be at a almost halt look through my thread and see what you think any advice would be nice thanks again and awesome thread you got going on here!
Token: Sure man, I'll come take a look as soon as I can get there !!

Nick: Unfortunately that project didn't work out... As Wolfman has said much earlier,I think i took the male pollen sacs too early and so they didn't have the pollen I needed and thus no seeds..shame really but live and learn !

Quick Update:

Ok guys.. If you have been here from the start, you'll know that despite the fact I gave TH a name of Thornhillium.. She's still bag seed.. SO I really have NO clue as to the correct amount of time to let her flower. So heres what I'm going to do, I plant to harvest the lower 3 - 4 buds and let the top cola and 3 -4 buds get the msot light and wattage and water and well since I really don't know. She could be white widow or a form of and this could be normal. Again I don't know. So if I chop the bottom few buds and dry them properly and test them and they are awesome, I can come back and chop the rest down. By that point is should still be a few days - a week and the Top of TH will then be getting all the nutes from the plain distilled water. In my mind its a sorta impatient yet Win Win situation. Removing what I plan to will not hurt the plant in anyway infact it should allow for a higher concentration on the upper half of the plant. I'm going to go setup my drying box and a place to do some trimming. I will take some photos through out and then a shot or two of what TH looks like after.

Wish me Luck !!
hey FT figured I would offer up some advice, one of the biggest problems most of us have when we are new is a lack of patiecne:wall:...I went back thru your journal your first pistil (which is the true indicator of the plant "flowering") showed on 09/13, that means your plant has only been flowering for 41 days, the fastest strain I have seen takes at least 50, I would say give it 2 weeks, which puts you at 56 days (8 weeks) of actual flowering, you will probaly see a big difference, just my 2 cents........bongsmilie
2nd Update !

So I went ahead and did what I described above.. There isn't much to say except MAN DO I RESPECT THE COMMERCIAL AND EVEN BIG FARM FARMERS.. Trimming although not difficult, I can see the strain on ones hands and then the time taken for multiple plants.. and hell I only did like 4 buds.. So mad respect to people who do that for a living !!!

Anyway, as per usual with me the pics will follow some logical order and i'll toss in the odd comment or two !

First Up Is what I had to do to hold the top of TH up (Realistically I should have done this a long while ago)

Here is a Full Shot of whats left taken from a bit back

Next up is just the "Top Cola" that was clearly left.

Here's a Close up of the Top part

Here are some more buds Left on the plant

Ok now.. Here's what I took before Trimmin

And After Trimming

Next Up...Wet Weight (for the record WAY more than I thought despite knowing I lose alot) Oh and that was after trimming

Close up of one of the harvest buds

Here they are Hanging

Here is the Intake and then Exhaust Setups


That's everything... Hope to heck it works out !!!!
Will report back tomorrow see how they're doin !

too late on that one D.. but I appreciate it and will leave the rest for atleast another 2 weeks then I guess !!

Thanks for the info buddy.. very much appreciated.. !!!!!

Yeah I thought it may have been a little premature too, all them white hairs and all. I think they'll start to amber up a lot in the next two weeks. It really is hard to judge though, I think its because some floral clusters will mature early, and then are covered up with new growth. I am going to wait until new growth stops before I chop. Hey that almost rhymed! Anyway, I think your plant is very close, its got that tell tale swollen look to it.
yeah n ur plant looks more like a sativa dominant so it should take longer flower but ull get 2 good grams outta thos
How tall is it all finished up and what not.

Just went thru every page of this grow and im amazed and your success you have really inspired me and i think i have leanred alot that will help me with my cfl grow..

Thank you so much and enjoy your smoke!:bigjoint: bongsmilie
everything looks awesome man, +rep 2 U. What was the dry weight on ur trimmins ft? keep it up the great work man! plus reps for cfl growers =)
How tall is it all finished up and what not.

Just went thru every page of this grow and im amazed and your success you have really inspired me and i think i have leanred alot that will help me with my cfl grow..

Thank you so much and enjoy your smoke!:bigjoint: bongsmilie

Thanks for the kind words man, I really appreciate you reading through my journal !!! The plant finished about 17" tall... not very big but thats cause I cut my veg time due to fear of overgrowth, next time I know I can let it go atleast another week or two longer !!

everything looks awesome man, +rep 2 U. What was the dry weight on ur trimmins ft? keep it up the great work man! plus reps for cfl growers =)

Thanks xtc again like said above I really appreciate man !! I really do !
What they say about losing weight when it dries is SOOO true, lol that 9.7g turned into about 3g after drying out, and I still have most of it in a jar. I took a bong hit of one little bud... I'm glad I left the rest !!

To everyone, I will be posting pics later today of what she looks like as of yesterday. I'm thinking only a few more days as most of the white has now ambered up. Just wish I had a way to look closer at the trichs other than macro shots zoomed in on my pc. None the less, Pics and a small report to come a bit later today !!

Take it easy !
Update 11/01

Well I appreciate the comments earlier from Dankness and BigD... Its defiantly been worth waiting the extra while to let my little girl fatten up a bit more. I'm still not sure as to whether i should harvest today or give her another week. It seems the "fatten'n out" has come to a stop and most the hairs on almost all the buds are Amber with a few stragler white ones left. The trichomes are looking great but again they have an optimal time as well. The best I can do is double zoom in with my pc on a macro to see them but I can't really tell and I've been to like literally 5 RadioShacks (Called the Source) here and no1 has they're cheapo 9.99 60X magnifying glass. The hydro store I go too stocks them but i aint paying him 40 bucks.. till I decide if I'm going to keep growing and growing in which it'll pay for itself in time. It is very likely I'll keep this as a very small scale hobby as I've come to find it rather relaxing and not to mention able to feel some pride about a job well done when it comes to harvest time. Enough babble from me..

1 Question: How much longer would you guys wait ? 1 week ? or make today Harvest day ??

These Pics were taken yesterday on Halloween but she didn't change much overnight, lol.. As always I'll start at the top and work my way down !

Top down Shot to show the swelling !!

Here is whats left to be harvested - It might not look like a lot but thats because of the angle its actually quite a bit.

Here is Shot #1 Of the Cola

And here is Shot #2 of the cola

Now for the "bottom of the cola" or the buds directly below - However, you wanna look at it...

[Notice some purpleing, there is also tiny flashes of pink]

These are the buds directly below the ones in the pic above

Last but Not least, my Lowest Buds

Thats all I got for you guys today.. Talk to me folks... let me hear some opinions !!
We know its a hybrid unknown strain..generally that'd be mean leave her longer than shorter. However canna-knowledge shows that leaveing for too long reduces the THC and Ups the CBD (Dont shoot me if I'm wrong)... I'd prefer the THC so.. What do the masses think !!

I'll give it a couple hours see if I get any replies !!

Thanks guys/gals Have a wonderful day !!
No do not listen to him!!! I am going to find a link that I saw on here once, I don't know if you have seen fdd2blk post on here before, but the mans a genius. He has a harvest guide, I'll post it and you tell me what you think. Should just take a few minutes.
Harvest time....... a tutorial.

Check this out, this guy really knows what he is doing. When the buds are ready, you will know. I think if you wait till all hairs are amber, and for the buds to have that darker shimmer, you will have some even fatter buds ft, EVEN FATTER. Even a friend of mine that grows says, when you think they're done, wait two more weeks.
Not to mean any disrespect to dontpanic... I was waiting for an answer from you dank of like bigD... Anyhow, yeah I love FDD genius to say the least. I thought I was done about a week ago, so we'll see where I'm at in 1 week. I've read the link before but it was a bit ago.. I shall definatly read through again, thanks Dank much appreciate !!

No problem dude, I want to see those buds get as fat as possible before you cut them down, I feel like a godfather or something. Yeah I just don't think your buds have that "ready" look to them yet. Its actually a good thing when you think about it, more potential buddage. I think another week will be ample, she is reeeeeaaaaaal close, just not quite there. imho.

On another note, hey ft you should check out my journal, I haven't seen you around there in a while(for reasons you've already explained). I had a new grow box built and both plants are starting to get close to maturity, ones about a week and a half away, just a guess but I think its pretty accurate. I would like to give us both a pat on the back for our stellar first grows. Who would've thought a few months back we would have made it this far? HOORAY FOR GROWING POT!!!
Hey FT looking good, you are at a full 8 weeks now, it would be alot easier if you had some sort of scope. Have you been flushing? I would harvest now but I like mostly milky thrichs, I dont really like couch lock, BUT if you are looking for that effect leave her another week, just make sure you keep a close eye on her, in case any nanners pop up, your leaves still look really green, make sure you give her nothing but water til you chop her