Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS


Well-Known Member
nah i think they can be switched either way. but i only left it there for like 3 minutes then put it back horizontal. and thank you for your compliment. haha i meant to comment in your thread about the message you gave me in the +rep about FDD's thread. but since i stopped smoking i have been super spacey lately. weird


Well-Known Member
yeah well I continued arguing with him on the subject and got him to say that it was a genetic mutation caused by unfavorable conditions then pointed out to him that earlier he had stated that that was not possible and that the extra chromosome had to already be there. He knows a lot don't get me wrong but a lot of the time he pretends to know more than he does. Irritates me a little bit that someone else will refuse to acknowledge that someone else could possibly know something as well. Oh well thank your for coming to bat on the subject but I wont be including myself in his thread any longer and I'm sure he has deleted the whole debate from his thread and played me off as a fool by now.


Well-Known Member
ya i stopped posting in it. and i did get him to admit that any cell, can have mutations in them haha. oh well. some people just think they know everything. he may know a ton about growing but im pretty sure i know more in the subjects of DNA and genetics. i mean, i am going to college for it.


Well-Known Member
but oh well, people keep inflating his ego everyday so he will never learn to take advice. i hope, when i do become a great grower like him, im still wise enough to take advice from people that know things that i dont. or atleast take the time to research it and see if that person is right and not just right it off as wrong.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I think his circumstances have something to do with his success. For one he is in California where he can grown out in the open and doesn't have to hide it inside so he is using the full potential of the sun and can still tend them everyday. when have you or I or even the majority of the people on this site been able to do this? the numbers are few and I'm telling you the others on here that in the same circumstance are doing as well if not better than fdd2blk. The main difference between them and him is the way they portray themselves, everyone enjoys a compliment but only some wallow and bath with them. Marketing is everything these days its the difference between celebrities and regular people.

Basically what I am trying to say is he is not any better than any single one of us on this site. He just has maneuvered himself into a better position than a lot of us will ever get to be in.


Well-Known Member
ya i can definitely see that. but i still do not think i am in the same caliber of a lot of people on here, this being my first grow and all. but i am learning as much as i can and know how to grow very well in THEORY haha.

man if i was in cali id be growing some TREES!!


Well-Known Member
Yes experience is everything but it still comes second to knowledge, but only if you know how to apply it.


Well-Known Member
ya thats ture. this first grow has taught me ALOT. and i think my second one will go much more smoothly. i started out thinking i knew alot but i was like a toddler trying to build a time machine haha. made a bunch of mistakes, not just growing but in the supplies department as well. i spent a lot of money in trial and error.


Well-Known Member
Well that happens to a lot of us when we start something new its just part of the journey. I think your doing quite well for a first grow.


Well-Known Member
there doing great. i gave the Kaya 47 s trong dose of my jacks classic 20-20-20, to offset early yellowing, and got a bit of nute burn but its looking better. i tied 3 of the 6 up to dowel rods, to support the weight of their colas. they were leaning over like crazy. they are now starting to fatten up, and get really crystally. one of my bagseeds though is very crystally and is smelling like grape soda :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok here you guys go.

the White Widow trich's are prob 60% milky and the rest clear.

two others the EPN ( which is a bagseed) is about the same and so is the Kaya 47.

the other bagseed is the about a week behind the other 3.

Enjoy :mrgreen:

:peace: EP



Well-Known Member
Lookin really good, BRAVO! I see the burn you were talking about. I bet it was the Jacks. You dont need that much N this late. Dont be scared of a stray fan turning yellow. Thats when you give them a dose on N. I like fish emulsion. In this feeding. Pretty much washed out the next watering. Instant source of N. You might just want to go with the bloombastic for a round or two. The Cha Ching has a good amount of availible N. I think they are fine as far as that goes. Well done.......... Now finish those plants!


Well-Known Member
haha ya, i gave them a watering tonight. put about 300 PPMof beastie bloomz ( their last feeding of it before switching to Cha Ching ) then put about 3mL of Bloombastic ( which ive been reading is really hard to burn with, some people use 7-8 mL a gallon with no burn with the rest of their nutes.) Snow Storm Ultra, the Huvega magnesium, and then my Silica ph buffer to raise the PH to 6.4-6.5 and with everything in my highest PPM rating with every thing was like 650- but most ranged around 600-650 ppm. but most of that is magnesium and silica. the other two dont add much PPM to it. checked my runoff and they all ran about 6.3. so everything is looking good.

BTW do you think that the Kaya 47 i burned a little, stopped putting on bud mass because i burned it? and if so do you think itll put more mass on it?