Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS


Active Member
ya man. i am realy glad how well they turned out. one of the bagseed, EPN, is probably the frostiest of them all. but they are very potent. normally i could smoke atleast a few bowls by myself in one session, if not 4-5 before i have to call it quits, or im too high and space out and forget to smoke anymore. but this stuff, im lucky if i can finish a bowl before i get to or way past that point where i cant smoke anymore. its really potent stuff, and they all good clear highs, except the white widow, its a knock you on your ass for a few hours, and go to sleep if you smoke a whole bowl.

ya im stoked for my next grow. ive already got the lineup of strains im buying, and the freebies ill probably get.

Barney's Farm LSD x 5 FEM
Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk x 5 FEM
TGA Subcool Qleaner x 10
TGA Subcool Vortex x 10
Seedsman Seeds Northern Lights x 10

DNA Rocklock x 1 FEM
DNA Sharksbreath x 1 FEM
Reserva Privada Cole Train x 1 FEM
Dinafem Fruit Automatic x 1 FEM
DNA Sour Cream x 1 FEM

The reason for being so high is because the herb is not going thru so many hands just your own. one thing people don't realize is how much pot is handled by so many people down the chain. this does ruin thc content which is sad ,thats why i love homegrown!!! how many people do you know grab a nug and squeeze it and smell it. it loses alot of its potency!

i do love your next line up also!!! can't wait to see it bro!!! im in the middle of moving so i have been a lil off on updating! but im going to get some up after the weekend make sure to check them out!!


Well-Known Member
haha ok ill definitely check them out. ya im really excited about my next run. going to have a good variety, and i should yield quite a bit. hoping for 3-4 pounds, out of 2600 watts of floweringgoing to do about 20-24 plants.

ya that is true on the potency thing. and something i havent thought of. because man, i sometimes feel like im so high, and i can usually smoke a few back. but with this, its like 1 bowl and im done for at least 4 hours. i dontthink i can ever go back to smoking herb that i didnt grow, or a someone i knew grew. no more street weed for me.

but itll be a a month or two before i start my next grow, im moving as well soon, and then im starting up a new grow, with more lights, and will be perpetual. im also hoping to get a few good males, out of the TGA seeds and Northern lights, so i can do a little breeding with them. maybe Qleaner and SLH, or QLeaner and Vortex. or whatever haha.


Well-Known Member
haha ok ill definitely check them out. ya im really excited about my next run. going to have a good variety, and i should yield quite a bit. hoping for 3-4 pounds, out of 2600 watts of floweringgoing to do about 20-24 plants.

ya that is true on the potency thing. and something i havent thought of. because man, i sometimes feel like im so high, and i can usually smoke a few back. but with this, its like 1 bowl and im done for at least 4 hours. i dontthink i can ever go back to smoking herb that i didnt grow, or a someone i knew grew. no more street weed for me.

but itll be a a month or two before i start my next grow, im moving as well soon, and then im starting up a new grow, with more lights, and will be perpetual. im also hoping to get a few good males, out of the TGA seeds and Northern lights, so i can do a little breeding with them. maybe Qleaner and SLH, or QLeaner and Vortex. or whatever haha.
dude I can't wait to see that next line up, defiantly let me know when you get that one going


Well-Known Member
ah ya definitely, its gonna be sweet. im going to do 3 styles of growing on it too. im going to do BubblePonics, with a nute line i have not picked out yet. looking at quite a few lines. but the nute will be a multi step nute line like house and garden and such. Then im going to do two different soil mixes for the other two styles. One soil mix, will be 1/4 FFOF 1/4 FFHF 1/2 FFLW. then ill humic acid, silica, some good bacteria, and extra myco fungi, dolomite lime, silica, and a little calcined clay. then the other, will be super soil, and FFOF as be buffer soil. I figured, since im doing some of Subs strains, i should grow in his soil. Now ill be flowering out, 6 strains, 4 plants each, all from seed. ill do one plant in each "system" per say. ill put the 4th, in one of the 3 systems, mixing them up. Ill veg them for 4-6 weeks, take 2-3 clippings, to clone them. depending on the plant, i may have a top to clone.

Now i will choose one plant, The best of each strain, in resin production, and growth vigor ( i know the bubbleponics plants will be skewed.) and make them my mothers, for my next grow. then flower the rest, after being vegged for 6 or so weeks, then put back into flower. then, depending on the males i get, i may do some breeding, and get some seeds. maybe Qleaner and SLH. or Vortex and northern lights.

im hoping to yield a total of around 3-4 pounds from this grow.


Active Member
Hey dude, I'm curious if you got a total dry weight from all of that. (or are you still curing)

also really interested to hear what lights and setup you are going to do for the next round.

I appreciate the comments on my grow, and hopefully you've learned something from mine as I have from yours.

Like you, I bought my equipment on a tight budget, but soon can afford to set up a little more professional. Let me know!

Also, check out my thread. I just harvested one of the blueberry plants.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
idk, if you run a air cooled hood, it should take most of the heat out of the room, an djust port it somewhere else, but idk, i guess ill do some research before though. hmm, i havent heard that about barney's farm but will do the research before i buy.

swwert, im glad you learned a lot from my journal, ill post some links of some great threads in a minute you should read.

ok i have my final dry weight, i got 400 grams dry from the 6 plants. thats about .665 GPW on my 600. so i guess i did alright for my first grow. next grow im shooting for 1 GPW haha.

the big jars are 2L jars and the small one is a 1Q then the smallest a 32Oz
great yield bro, hope they smoke good, try flushn next gro and save a couple nugs of this ones and compare


Well-Known Member
haha, if i can make em last that long. i started some beans i had left over from my last order just to flower out, when i move so i can have some smoke by christmas time haha. i have about 20 g's left from my last grow, yes i know it went quick. haha it always seems to.

thanks chainseeker. and yeys SLH is an amzing strain. anyone that smells it, say it is the best smelling weed they have ever smelled. its like if you take juicyfruit, pepper, and lemon, and roll it all up, and thats what SLH smells like. well if you get a pheno that tend to lean towards the lemon skunk side.


Well-Known Member
Well im moving!! i move in about ten days. i had some left over beans from my last order so i decided to start em, so i could transport them to colorado, and that way, i can transplant, then flower so ill have smoke before christmas. im running outa mine. haha.

Ok ive germed, and now put them in rapid rooter plugs, with superthrive'd water under two 15W 6500K CFL's.

these are the strains:
These are feminized seeds
GH Trainwreck
GH Cheese
GH The Church

these are two seeds i got from my grow i found in a bud
1 SLH seed
And 1 EPN seed.

Ill post some pics when there are some to post haha.



Active Member
Great journal!
I've got 4 super lemon haze ladies under 2k watts of glorious HPS 32 days into flower. Your yield is very impressive for the first time out of the gate. Take pride! many growers struggle and struggle to accomplish what you did.

I'll def stick around to see your next go at it!


Well-Known Member
thanks man,

Well the seeds i started i guess werent viable, but i didnt pay much attention to them, since i was moving, but im finally in colorado, and in my new house. once my moving truck comes, ill start building a stealth grow box, for some short ryders i just ordered ( just to get some smoke quick, im almost out haha.)

but once i get my next seed order in, ill be starting another multi strain grow with atleast 2 of each strain.


Well-Known Member
i will, i just have to get some things in place and ill be starting it. taking a lot longer than i thought, but should be in the next few weeks hopefully