Grow light question (in regards to the wires in the walls)

Monster, thats the cord off his surge protector Don't help this guy He's going to hurt somebody Denris
Its not off my surge protector you dumdum haha. Honestly I wish my mom was calling me for mac-n-cheese, she makes some good ass cooking
I'm about to check everything and come back and give yall the 411 :P
ok so I found out something weird. One of the outlets in our bedroom is ran piggy-backed off of the refrigerator's plug, which is a 20amp breaker which means that I have 2 20amp breakers at my disposal. My TV was 1.5a and the modem was 0.5a so all together im running around 5amps. I plan on running about 3 amps on the refrigerators breaker so I can run bigger lights. I was wondering though if somethings output amps is higher than the input amps, which is the true amperage? Im assuming input but i want to make sure
It sounds like you are fine. I'd google your question about true amperage. In my experience, the types of lights we use are ok on most outlets. It's when you get into running AC or multiple lights that you might trip breakers. Tripping a breaker doesn't hurt anything, so I like to plug and play, so to speak.