Grow lights 1 or 2 1000 watt HPS


First post but been reading since I joined. I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that has posted useful information (the ones that posted crap, and you know who you are SUCK). Reading has taken years off of trial and error. Again thanks

Here's the question. I will have 50 plants in a 5'W X 8'L X 10'h foot space. I have a light mover at 10 rpm's with delay on both ends. I want to know how much better will 2 HPS lights be than just one. I have proper cooling and what not. The room is actually 15X20 but only using this space for my Hydro setup. Veg will be 4 weeks under 2 t5 8 bulb SunBurst lights and flowering will be under the 1000 watt units.

Reclaimed green house for orchids so I have A/C unit (also a dehumidifier) and Swap coolers (only a west coast thing) for cooling and adjusting temps and humidity. Also a 20,000 btu heater if needed (yah right with those lights). Currently insulated and sheeted for 12 hour off growing due to high electric during peek hours.

Pics will come as my clones get here next week.

loaded dervish

Active Member
I thinks the matter of watts to use deepends on how many plants you are trying to grow and if you are veging or flowering i like my 600w mh for flowering and a 1000w hps for flowering but i only flower 6 plants at a time sents that is law. if you want over 8 plants flowering at once i would use 2 1000w for flowering maby on a light track. i hope this gives you some advice i would also look at your electric bill with one 1000w befor you go 2. you better also be a medical user if you wnt to pump that mutch electricity at once. ok i didint read it rofl you got 50 plants you might want 3 1000w hps 50 plants is alot and watch out for cops 50 i now is intent to sell no medical card will help you geting cought with 50 plants is insaine no one needs that mutch bud. t


Medical use only have 2 cancer patient's in home I have my license also, along with another Medical patient friend.

In CA with a license to cover all plants and grow permits. And will be donating any extra to a dispensary to help other patient's that are in need.

Well-Known Member
Hi Youngbudd,

It seems that you and I have a pretty similar garden area. The base of my garden is a pool, dimensions 4' x 8' in a room thats roughly 11' x 13'. check out the pics i just posted over here --

I use 2 x 1000w HPS for this coverage area, figure 1x 1000w per 4' x 4' square area. Not too sure about you using 3 lights, but 1 is definitely not enough.

Grow will be 4 weeks under 2 t5 8 bulb SunBurst lights and veg will be under the 1000 watt units.
Did you mean you'll be doing veg under T5 SunBursts, and flowering under 1000w units? I only ask because if you're going to veg only under the 1000s, that seems like far too many lumens. You really want that much light for flowering, but not so much for veg'ing.

Cheers mate!


Well-Known Member
Well for the amount of plants seems you would need 2 lights...but i would say with out a light mover.

If you use a light mover i would think you can use the one as long as its moving!!

If you had 2 on the mover would probly be the preferred way but if its out of you budget im pretty sure that the one will do!!


Hi Youngbudd,

Did you mean you'll be doing veg under T5 SunBursts, and flowering under 1000w units? I only ask because if you're going to veg only under the 1000s, that seems like far too many lumens. You really want that much light for flowering, but not so much for veg'ing.

Cheers mate!
Ah yes sorry, Veg will be under the T5's and Flowering will be under the 1000's.

At this point we have not spared any expense to get this going and 2 1000's is not out of the budget and the electric bill will be split 4 ways, so that should not be a issue either.
I was just getting mixed information on using a light mover and how many lights. Sure if I can cut back n the lights with the mover a plus but not at the expense of the plants.

loaded dervish

Active Member
If you are going to grow 50 plants and go big you might as well drop 150 bucks and get a light mover it helps buds grow not only at the top. I would atleast go with 2 1000watt lights> it is not like you lose money buying lights they grow bud and bud cost alot at the dispensery eatherr way off 50 plants you are tripling your money in bud that you spent on setup!!


I already have the light mover. It was the lights I still need to drop the change on. I think I am going with 2 1000w with adjustable ballasts. So if I feel that its over doing it a bit I can just get 600 watt bulbs and adjust down the ballast.

Thanks guys for the help.

Well-Known Member
Hi Youngbudd,

If you get some nice 1000w digital & dimmable ballasts (I highly recommend the Quantum 1000w Digital), make sure you just get 1000w lamps with them too (I highly recommend the Digilux 1000w Digital lamps). Save your money not buying 600w bulbs, and if you need to run the 1000s in a cooler state for veg or whatever, you can dim them down to 750w or 500w even. Hit me up if you have any other questions about your setup. Especially since our setups are practically identical. :) :)

Cheers mate!
Mr. Bond


Ah I forgot you could go down in Watts. I will hit you up with more questions soon as I get this off the ground, so many things to worry about and time is ticking.