Grow Lights?


Well-Known Member
I've decided to go with CFL grow. Thinking about getting 2 - 4 100 - 200w in the 6500k spectrum for veg then switch over to 2.7 - 3k for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and buy some t5's instead of the cfl route. They are easier then having a bunch of cfls hanging all over the place-you can raise the entire fixture as your plants grow, or to access them to water them, etc. Buy the time you buy enough cfls, fixtures, and extension cords to hook them all up you could have just gotten a nice t5 set-up.

Be advised cfls and t5 put out A LOT of heat and your going to need basically the same ventilation to keep it cool as you would if you went with a HID. That being said, I think you should consider HID lighting in that space. I keep hearing that they don't generate heat like HID's do, but that hasn't been my experience. Espeically if your going watt for watt. 400watts of cfls or t5's will be almost just as hot as 400w HID lamp. and still requires you to have an intake and outake in your space.


Well-Known Member
4x8ft space would fit 2, 4' x 8 tube T5 fixtures nicely. If you put them on adjustable hangers you can lift and lower them whenever you want. It will keep your space nice, clean, and organized. Also, you'll only have 2 plugs to plug in. Many newer T5s can be 'daisy chained', or plugged into each other so you could actually only have 1 plug to plug into an outlet for both your lights. Nice and easy to work with compared to all those cfls. Oh, and the T5's fixture it self is a hood/reflector-so no building those or having a bunch of shop light clamps everywhere.