Grow lowryder diesel outside?


Well-Known Member
ive just ordered 10 lowryder diesel seeds. and was wondering can i grow them outside. can anyone give me any grow info on them?


Active Member
Yes, germinate them put them into 1 gal pots and then watch them grow! Seperate or destroy the males from the females. Maybe add some bloom nutes to them after about 5 weeks then ( sparingly ) and then harvest when ready. Sorry it is so short but it is pretty easy with the auto flower strains. They will flower under any lighting condition.



Well-Known Member
i would keep the male in a completely diff. location outside, and catch the pollen and pollenate a female with it, better then paying fucking 70 dollars for lil ass plants, just my opinion

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Hi there, Can you tell me how you go with the lowryder seeds, just want to know if they are sent stealthy and how the germination goes,
Good luck dude, Thanks


Well-Known Member
im in the u.s. i havent got them yet bt i ordered a few days ago i cant wait. for the germenation process i was planning on doin the wet papertowel.