Grow lush HPS lamp/Digi ballast- good, bad or indifferent!?!?


Active Member
Greetings to all and sundry :blsmoke:,
I have recently aquired a new 600W HPS Ballast (old skool magnetic) & Globe via EBAY - its a Grow Lush (brand) for $100 bucks (120 delivered). The ballast claims to be "High Output" and the globe claims 20% more light than standard HPS lamps - which on the surface seems to be all well and good.

My doubts begin when reading the box the globe has arrived in, it reads:
Natural light alternitive for professional growers
24 Hour daylight alternative
20% more light
long life ..... blah blah blah...

"24 Hour daylight alternative" & "Natural light alternative" - do you peeps think that that means it would be inadequate to use for Flowering (& maybe even not all that good for veg):-???

It also seems to run really hot too...:neutral:

Does any one out there have any experiance with growlush equipment? in particular the globes?.

O yea, i almost forgot- i can grab a growlush digital balast for like $180, any one used em??
Generally speaking is it worth ditching my ancient 400W magnetic ballast and upgrading to the digi:confused:??


Active Member
OK have just managed to find (what i think are) the stats on the spectrum provided with this globe...... does it seem suitable???


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Active Member
Hey Bazza, How ya doin ? I suspected Grow Lush were cheap crap and i was thinking of buying some of their HPS gear - not now, will go the extra $
Bought the 100 watt CFL kit at start of year and i have had nothing but failure and disappointment. Anyhow don't think CFL's are any good if you are serious, lession learnt. The reflector didn't even look like the one advertised.