Grow Machine


Active Member


Active Member
it looks really neat! dont know how well it would work with weed though. dosent seem big enough for the marijuana root system. . . deff would not support a fully grown weed plant. . . also you would have to see what kind of nutes theyre using. im sure someone out there will test it out with weed. the technology is certanly something worth putting more research into!

Illegal Smile

You can grow weed in a shot glass so I guess you could grow it in there. The question would be, is it worth the time and effort? It takes as much work and effort to grow a tiny plant like that, (and you are more likely to have problems and end up with very little yield) as it does to grow say, four real plants in a simple DWC. And since that thing doesn't include lights or anything else, it wouldn't cost that much more for the DWC setup.