Grow Mentorship


New Member
Hello everyone ,
I recently did a grow in a 1x1x2M tent in coco i had 2 plants .. Im ashamed to say the outcome was shocking ..
Rather than make more mestakes and costly loss
Im wanting to ask if theres anyone out there in the uk that could offer me guidance or a mentorship to get the best results as im a quick learner.
I would reward you for your help
Many thanks

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Not at all
Just wanting advice tbh and get contacts .. Want to make some money to start up a legitimate profitable business

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I wouldnt really recommend letting a complete stranger know where you grow. Everything you need to know is on the internet, and when you do have a successful harvest you wont have to give any of it away.
What chronnie said. Never let someone see your grow, everything you need (and all the mentors you could want) are available on line.
Internet and trial and error taught me everything i know. If you have questions just ask on here. Never show any1 ur grow... unless u have employeed them...