Grow of purp


Well-Known Member
They do look a bit better in those pics ,
My main issue is that the stems look olderthan the plants , always a tell tell sign they have been stressed or in recovery,
I don't wanna harp on about your lights again but they are not helping you.


Active Member
Yea, I know :( lol.

They were stressed to hell, I don't doubt I turned it to a male.
They are In recovery, almost past recovery mode.


Active Member

Does this seem like am early sign of female flowering!?!? Please say yes!!! Id love nothing more than for these stressed babies to remain ladies!!!!


Well-Known Member
but no im afraid not.
If my memory is correct these are seedlings,
clones will show pre flower whilst in veg , a seedling can go way into 12/12 until any sign.


Active Member
They aren't seedlings. They were growing for a while under 12/12 from out side. They were females and I bright them inside and turned them to veg state.


Well-Known Member
oh right , they are clones,
fair enough then its possible ,
you seem pretty sure you will stress them into becoming male ,
do some research , they may herm if over stressed but you will never fully change their sex,
this is why i thought they were seedlings as its possible with un feminised seedlings.
just chill and let them grow.


Well-Known Member
Once they get stressed and turn purple, i'm pretty sure they stay purple. New growth will be normal and green if they are no longer stressed.


Well-Known Member
interesting to see better can get 4 cfl bulbs for less than $10 at wal mart..that halogen is bad news ..just my opinion


Active Member
I have 12 cfl bulbs.....nothing to plug them into. Should I pluck the purple stems, or leave them? Tell bitches its purp. When its prob regies haha