Grow-Op Simulation Game


Well-Known Member
Grow-Op is a marijuana growing and selling simulation game that is in early prototype stages. We are looking for people interested in testing, and providing input on the current systems in the game. We want to make this game as realistic and informative as possible while still providing a fun experience within the confines of a game.

So what type of game is this?
Grow-Op is a simulation game much like The Sims. You set up a grow room and take care of your plants from feeding to trimming. You build relationships with customers and sell the product in order to expand your operation to larger, more lucrative locations.

Who are we?

Some members had been involved in the rollitup/growing community for a number of years, although no longer is any team member actively involved in growing currently, having moved to game development.

Some current features and features in the works
Plants grow dynamically branch by branch. Every plant is unique.
Customers will like you more depending on how well you treat them.
Keep things stealthy. You don't know if the mailman wants a joint, or a bribe, or to go to the police.
Watering AI - (We are undecided on how much effort this should require on the players part, while still making over and under feeding something to watch for.)

How can you help?
Provide an email in a private message and we will return you a download link. After playing reply by email or a private message back here on your experience;
-Things you like.
-Things you hate.
-Features you would like to see implemented.
-Anything at all you feel might be useful to making this the best game we can!

If you like you can follow us on twitter for future updates

Thanks for reading!

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Well-Known Member
I'm actually not sure now why we wanted to send through email.. Link to build can be sent through private message here, so that will work fine. I can't edit original post now.