Grow Question, CBD smellier in flower stage than THC?


Active Member
Hey guys I am waiting my for my acmpr but am concerned becuse I've been reading different forums and people are talking about how far the smell travels (ut oh) I'll be growing in a house but am surrounded by neighbors does anyone know for some magical reason a pure CBD strain might not smell as bad as THC? I dont want to make my neighbors hate me. I'll be growing in a tent and a closet the tent is no prob but the closet will be a challenge How bad does 10 plants smell anyway? I was thinking of possibly lining the closet sliding doors with long carbon fliter sheets I make myself. hot glue them around the doors would that help absorb the smell in there? Maybe do the same thing to the room door? Oh yes Im hoping to grow both indica and sativa
It doesn't matter what strains you're growing, if you don't want your neighbours harassing you, you'll need to exhaust the air from your tent/cabinet through a proper carbon filter and inline fan. Exhausting through a carbon filter will eliminate the odours, some strains smell more than others but no filter = uncontrolled smell regardless of strain(s).
Carbon filters are a MUST when growing in your home....No choice n the matter really!
1 plant can smell your house to high hell and to the point where people outside can smell it!

ps if you plan on growing in your home, Spend some cash and do it right!!
You need a grow climate...anything left out will see issues 10 fold on return.
If you end up with a return.
your room set up is also key.
all walls and ceilings should be vapour retarded with at least super 6 poly film under your wall sheathing.
also important to the room design is acoustic sealants to ensure no leaks in the vapour barrier...and a door seal.
I personally would take it once step further and use a wall sheathing that is also considered to be "air impassable".

My wall section consists of wall cavity studs filled with roxul rock wool and then strapping to contain 1" SM styrofoam
super 6mil poly with all joints sealed with acoustic sealant and sheathing tape including 20mil poly pans, sealed for any electrical intrusions.
for sheathing the section continues with 5/8" fire rated blue/or green board moisture resistant drywall,then cement board fastened over the drywall and all joints sealed with fibre glass tape and cement filler. and lastly 2'x2' ceramic tile in white sealed and grouted.
this applies to all walls and ceiling, the floor though not finished concrete slab and will either get tiled or possibly be done with epoxy with a metal flake reflective added for maximum rebound of off the floor light.
Thanks guys I might just buy another tent then fit one into the closet and then put in the carbon filters out the exhausts that might help a lot thanks
you can exhaust into your house but then you will have humidity issues;ll need a dehumidifier for the room its in.