New Member
My grow is 36c its too hot what do I do? I have two 4" fans one in-taking cold air and one extracting hot air now too I get a bigger fan to extract or another fan in intake cold air?
you could try a box fan in the window.Size of grow tent is 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m. Cold air in take is by placed on the inside of the window with window open the outside temp is about 12c but the room itself is about 30c. When placing my hand at the fan that is letting in cold air by the window its actually sucking more of the room air not the air from outside the window so i may move my pipe closer to the cold air outside. Im runing a 600w light hps, im not sure on the rating on the fans. Iv opened the door to the bedroom the tent is in and got it down to 31c