Grow Room Help


Well-Known Member
I need a little help with my grow room setup with the lighting
I decided to just go CFL. so what i was going to do is go to home depot buy 3 120watt red spectrum and 3 100watt blue spectrum bulbs.

I was then going to get the little y splitter things that plug directly into a socket, and hook the lights into that onto a Power Surge Protector.
Most likely i was goign to get 2 surge protectors, 3 on each protector.
1- red, blue, red
2 - blue, red , blue

and i wanted them to hang over my plants. only going to be growing 2-3 plants.
I wanted to have all 6 lights on 18-6 until flowering.

So my question comes down to, HOW can i get the power surges to both hang over my plants and be able to raise and lower them because my grow room is about 9feet tall.
And also, what would be the best way to power these to surge protectors? just run the plug into a wall socket?

Any suggestions Please Help - I will + Rep, i need to know by morning, this is when i am making my purchases. Thanks Very Much in Advance


Well-Known Member
personally i would do it a different way. One question do the 125w use a mogul socket?? if not it is best to mount those bulbs sideways if you can i heard that more light is used that way. I have used the diy cfl fixture with 42w blue and red spectrum mounted on a extension surge with a Y- split with a total of 8 42's and it worked great!! I would definitely use some sort of reflector since the 125's would not be mounted horizontally. I would have more red spectrum since i feel that is the most important. Great idea you got my friend