Grow room is too small


i bought a SuperFlower box from supercloset. i am growing some White Widow. I transfered from veg to flower with room to grow under the light. It has grown so much that now it is touching the lamp. I can't raise the light cause its in the box. I moved it off to the side so the top bud wont burn. I keep rotating the plant so it gets even light. Is there a way to bend it over so the leaves will stop burning? I think I have a few weeks left on the buds. I havent kept a book cause its been a little crazy at home and work.


why do i have to tie it down if the stem is crushed? I'm guessing the pantyhose are soft enough to not hurt it and to let light through


I even transferred over to flower calculating it growing another 12" and it has more than that. guess its good fert


Active Member
If you don't tie her down she'll pick herself up. The pantyhose will stretch enough to prevent girdling.


so i should crush it down far enough that I can put it back under the lite fully without getting burned?


a few weeks. its flowering really nice with the lite and the nutes I'm giving it. i took some clones off her hoping it was a female and it was luckily. I hope i have more luck with them. I have another mystery plant I am about to move into flowering.


Active Member
might be a little late to crush it and have it heal up to keep the main cola going, but it's hard to tell. If that's the only plant in there maybe you can simply tip the pot a bit and swap it to th other side every 2-3 days. This will build up those side branch buds a bit. or maybe you still have enough flex to bend it a little and tie it off and tip the pot, this would add the least amount of stress.