grow room problems carbon filter fan combo

knows nothing

New Member
I have a 48 24 60 tent in a small office room with no windows. Question is mycarbonfilter fan combo will blowing this filtered air inside the room not outside. Will this be bad for my plants and bad to breath in. I will have several fans outside the tent for circulation. All feedback is appericated.

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
I can only speak for my set up, so dont take this as the bible. I have a room set up with three tents. I have a carbon filter inside the flower tent which exhausts into the room that holds the tents. I also have a carbon filter that just sits in the middle of the room as an extra scrubber. I have no problems with smell, and i spend hours upon hours in the room with no affects, well Im not counting the sudden uncontrollable jerking of my limbs.... J/k...


Well-Known Member
I would hook the fan and filter up someplace vented first because when you first get a filter there is charcoal dust in that bad boy let it run till you think its not spitting out dust then lug that puppy back to your room and your good to go


Well-Known Member
I never had a problem with leaving the air scrubber inside of the room when running C02 in an enclosed room.. I have grown over a year this way.. I wouldnt stress ...