Grow room setup problem!


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if someone had any idea how I should hang my light (400 watt htgsupply). The reason that I ask is because one side of the room is slanted. I have a pic, but it's not that good. It's basically just the measurements. Hope someone can help. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i would hang it from the horizontal bit of the ceiling.
Reason - it would allow you to raise it the maximum amount so that you can keep it from the top of your plants if they start goin for it.


Well-Known Member
The thing about this space is that it's 16ft. deep, but I only need 4 or 5. How many plants do u think I can fit in there? And what would be a good way to hang the light for max height on plants?


Well-Known Member
a bit away from the crease where they meet, make sure the light isn't touching anything when you pull it up all the way, this will maximize the height you can get, or at least it will make sure that you can get your light as far away from the tops as you can