Grow Room Setup Questions


Hello all, I am new to the board and am really enjoying the amount of information here.

I am building out my room. It's 14x12 with a 3x5 cloning area. I am using green board drywall to keep the mold out and wanted to know about room sealing. I plan to have someone come and spray foam insulate the room. I have an estimate for around $150 so this appears to be a no brainer. Has anyone had any experience with using this type of insulation?

A few more details about the room. It will be split, seperated by an internal door, into a veg and flower room. I am getting a heavy duty steel door with a nice seal for the exterior of the room. The entire base of the room will be sealed with silicone. The flower room will be running 2 600watt lights or one 1000w light to start over a 5x5 flood table. The veg room will have 2 smaller 2x4 flood tables with 8 bulb T5 lights.

For ventilation I am going with the charcoal filter and probably an 8 inch fan to pull the smell out of the room. The filter will be in the flower room pulling air from the veg room, which will pull from outside the sealed room.

I am not sure if I will have 1 or 2 dehumidifiers. Not sure if I need one for each room or not yet. Any thoughts on this one? I have a few fans to keep air moving in the room and am thinking about adding some side lighting down the road a little ways.

I am also looking into a small CO2 burner. I can plumb it right into my natural gas line. I have no idea how this may or may not impact my grow room set up. Anything I should be concerned with regarding adding a CO2 burner?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to some insight from the experienced growers here.



Well-Known Member
setup sounds sweet to me.

you won't need a dehumidifer for the veg room, you will need one for the flower room.

with regards to the gas burner i wouldn't bother if i was you, if you want to keep temps nice buy an oil filled radiator and put it on a timer for lights out, have the radiator underneath the flood tables. co2 is for further down the line when you have all your shit dialled in and have a few grows of the same strain under your belt, when you hit a brick wall with yield and you have the conditions for co2 perfect, then you should use it.

if you are only going to use a 5x5 table for flowering i think a 1000w would be enough, two 600w is a bit extreme i feel.


Thanks for the info. I agree on the 1000 watt light as well. I think the penetration to the lower branches will be better this way as well. Trial and error I guess.

I plan on doing a SOG type grow. I will keep them in veg for no longer than 2 weeks and probably closer to 1 week. I will rotate them through in flowering which is where I may need an additional flood table and maybe a smaller light in the flower room. I don't think space will be an issue.

Will the radiator help keep my water temp more inline as well? My ballasts will be mounted above the room and will be digitals to keep heat down. I want to keep the water temp around 60F in the reservoirs with a room temp of around 75F. A 1000 watt light throws off some heat, but will be vented with an inline fan. Will this radiator really contribute to any of these factors?


Well-Known Member
i hand feed in coco and alway let my mixture stand for a few hours to take the chil out of the tap water etc. i don't know about keeping your res at 60 degrees but i would like to think that a 1k light and a 450w radiator would be enough to stop the temperature dropping too much.


My reservoirs will be on the floor. The floor is concrete and will be painted white. A plastic bin on concrete will get cool very quick. I can't place the heater under the flood table as those types of radiator heaters are too tall. Will a small space heater accomplish the same goal? I am in Michigan where winters get very cold.

Also does anyone have any input on spray foam insulation?



Active Member
In the room with the 1000W you wont need any sort of heater, that room is going to warm up (concrete floor or not). Even concrete gets hot, in fact alot of people get busted that way when it comes to thermo-scans. They worry about making their walls insulated and go through alot of work only to find out later that their foundation still lights up like a christmas tree.

as far as the other room goes, id say a small space heater on full time will do the job just fine. I live in a city that gets about 10-15 ft of snow each year and my freshman year of college the only heating device i had was a small 1X1ft heater, and it kept my room nice and toasty.


Well I am actually not too worried about the thermo-scan as I am a certified caregiver, but that is good to know in general. I will be keeping within my numbers according to the law.


Active Member
Oh i see, why are you using insulation then? it seems that if ur worried about heat, insulation is the last thing youd want... am i missing something?


Yes, sorry let me clarify. I am doing the spray foam to seal the room up. I don't want any odor getting out of the room. Insulation will help to keep the temperature at a more consistent level.

Is my logic flawed here? That is why I am looking for folks who have used the spray foam or even any type of insulation when building their rooms.


Active Member
Yes, sorry let me clarify. I am doing the spray foam to seal the room up. I don't want any odor getting out of the room. Insulation will help to keep the temperature at a more consistent level.

Is my logic flawed here? That is why I am looking for folks who have used the spray foam or even any type of insulation when building their rooms.

oooh, no that makes perfect sense. IDK how much it will steady temps but it definately will, jsut be carefull you dont make something so air tight that it gets way too hot, spend a few extra bucks on a good vent system.

As for the smell, that makes a little sense too, but i dont REALLY know for sure. It would definately help if ur using thin/shitty drywall or something, but i think most smell leaks out through holes around doors, vents, and windows... not so much THROUGH the walls... could be wrong tho...


No I think you are correct. I will be sealing the studs around the floor with silicone and doing the insulation. I will have plenty of fans to move air around, cool my lights and make my girls strong.

I will have an intake vent on the bottom of the exterior wall of the veg room to pull air into the room. Another vent on the top of an interior wall that connects to the flower room. Off that I will connect my inline fan to cool my lights. Another fan will be hooked up to the filter that will pull the "stank" out of the room.


Active Member
Awesome, sounds like you got it made, i would also put filters on ALL intakes/exaughts. The smell wont move upstream, but the last thing u need is a power outage or ANYTHING that may cause ur exaughst to stop pulling, cuz then the smell will leak out of passive intakes and what not. Overall sounds like you got a solid plan though, hope your grow works out well.