Grow Room Setup


I have done much research on this site, I currently have the opportunity to set up a grow in a 20' x 50' x 12' room. There are no electrical, water, nutes restrictions. Will be utilizing portable A/C in each room, along with dehumidifier, fans, scrubber and oscillating fans. I am planning on using subcools supersoil and initially growing from seed. I am looking for recommendations on how to set up the area. Thinking about a vertical stadium grow, still unsure. Thinking of growing Norhtern Lights, NY Diesel and possibly Kush. Any recommedations would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm going to let this secret out because you seem like a pretty cool dude. There is a website that contains a ton of information from experienced growers on how to set up your room. It even contains info on those strains your trying to grow and a whole bunch of other usefull information. Pretty fucking amazing really, all the information is right there for the taking. Best of all, its completely fucking free!! All that crazy medical marijuana information, and a whole bunch of other! a searchable format. Ok, don't tell everyone as we don't really want the secret to get out. Maybe tell your closest friends. Anyways, the site is called..drum roll please......


I have done countless hours of research and in many instances it has been noted to grow in soil for the first time, to gain experience and since I will not be able to attend on a daily basis..........My question may have been to vague, I am not sure the best way to separate 1000 sq ft of space (veg room, bloom room, curing room, clone room)...............thanks for any assistance


Well-Known Member
soil will need way more work in that scale room, just carrying in all this soil is such a muscle job add to it the watering and care. why not just set flood/drain system on timer? you will have much less maintenance...


Active Member
Start a smaller grow, and over time, expand, until you've gained more experience.

Starting off with 1000 sq ft for your first grow could easily end in disaster.


First off don't listen to peeps that call you names. Don't feel your question is stupid and ignore the sarcasm.

You have all the freedom you need it sounds like so I would suggest you try two or three small ops at the
same type to cut your teeth. Maybe four plants in each op and go through the process and in a few weeks
you will be sharing with us the experience.

Realize that you posted a very general question with seemingly no limits. So you are asking for a w i d e range
of suggestions. You do want to get a good grasp on your abilities before you invest in a large scale grow only
to encounter a catastrophe mid stream

Another thing that you mention is the vert grow..... this is right up my alley of interest as well. I just completed
a 4' x 8' scrog. using these steel screens (2'x8'). Now I've built a cage using 6 of these screens and am setting
up for the grow. The cage is 6 foot in diameter (+/-) and 8 feet tall. I'll PM the pics so I don't hijack your thread.
I call it C O G .... he he he for cage of green.

Anyway Dude you have a good opportunity here. PM me your journal if you start one. Peace and good luck.


Active Member
and just be carefull of people like i420 who will suck up with some sweet talk and lead you astray with lame ideas that he invented himself like... cog...

read up the pro-growers posts, get your info from multiple sources

anyone who says they invented something is a douche ... remember this


Well-Known Member
i can help u out.... i use soil 16x12x12 grow space 8 light show, i pull a little over 480g per light... the main key is co2 :)



Active Member
this is my veg set up its a litle differant now but not much just tweeked it a bit.i use t8 for all veg and have great results. i too grow in soil,will probably switch to hydro in the next yr or so but its a great way to get for your lights id get started with only 1 or 2 1000w hps just to get your feet wet flowering ,it is a lot of work fo a newbie and a lot of shit can go wrong start small 10 20 plants make sure u hve 10 20 more ready in case u fuck the first batch up.the way my veg room is now i can hold 40 girls in 3g pots and 36 in seedling stages easy to watr check for problems etc. etc


Active Member
nice norcali, thats similar to my room,14x12 with a4x12 table only 3 1000w hps though,holds about 36 girls gonna move to a bigger room soon and add more is short so had to take 2 pics.between me and norcali u should be able to get a good idea how to get started.the more room the better leave yourself room to expand for when u get some grows under your for the clowns in the earlier posts its free to help somebody out.dont have somethin positve and helpfull to say-DONT TYPE


Well-Known Member
Awww, now you made me feel like a dick. :)

Anywho, soil is fine and although more work, it is easier to get better results. In terms of everything else, your question..there was a question in there right? Was just way to open ended to even know where to start. You can't expect people to totally set your whole room up for you without standing there looking at it and knowing how much cash you have (or if your just some stoned troll not really grounded in reality)

My suggestions: ditch the portable ACs as they are super inefficient. Invest in a mini split. Spend the cash on a ppm co2 controller and seal the room. It will more than pay for itself in the first round. 600 watt systems are also the most efficient so don't automatically think more watts is better. Expensive bulbs and well designed hoods are worth their weight in gold


@ The OP

I've included the pics of the scrog and the cage design. You can see the actual cage on youtube. It will be in the links given. Maybe this will circumvent the next round of insulting banter about me leading peeps astray? The pics are mine from my grow.

I only mentioned the scrog because you mentioned it in your post and it is an intrest of mine. Not an invention of mine ... LOL The scrog is very effective and IMO will increase yield while producing uniform buds in similar sizes. Makes curing a lot easier too. ( disclaimer "I, i420, did not invent curing" )

and just be carefull of people like i420 who will suck up with some sweet talk and lead you astray with lame ideas that he invented himself like... cog...

read up the pro-growers posts, get your info from multiple sources

anyone who says they invented something is a douche ... remember this
Here are the links to my search results on "COG" and "cage of green". Searched both here on RIU and Google. - cage, green - COG,or.&fp=eebb40ab4c289d6b - " COG",or.&fp=eebb40ab4c289d6b - "cage of green"

Perhaps your much smarter than me so maybe you can point out all the duscussion on the subject? And while
your at it can you also point out where I said I invented anything? I'll be sure to correct that if in fact it is true.

I've research this a bit and never have claimed to invent anything. I can't find a lot on the subject but I'm sure you will share with us all these links on the COG of cage of green.

Peace :leaf:

Awww, now you made me feel like a dick. :)

Anywho, soil is fine and although more work, it is easier to get better results. In terms of everything else, your question..there was a question in there right? Was just way to open ended to even know where to start. You can't expect people to totally set your whole room up for you without standing there looking at it and knowing how much cash you have (or if your just some stoned troll not really grounded in reality)

My suggestions: ditch the portable ACs as they are super inefficient. Invest in a mini split. Spend the cash on a ppm co2 controller and seal the room. It will more than pay for itself in the first round. 600 watt systems are also the most efficient so don't automatically think more watts is better. Expensive bulbs and well designed hoods are worth their weight in gold
Good advice .... the OP has many options here. An excellent opportunity to do various grow styles, side by sides and really develop his/her own niche.