Sounds like your ventilation isn't working to well, you may want to mess with that first. T5 lights don't put out alot of heat. I use T5 as well but I mounted the ballasts outside my grow box Just to eliminate that heat. Ballast put off alot of heat as well.
hey, what do you mean by Co2 supplements? i dont have a Co2 system installed at all should I? also i have constructed my grow room from cardboard, is that bad?
Plants need CO2 to breathe..
You need to have fresh air, like a door or window.. or if it is a fully closed box, you need a method to produce CO2 for the plants to breathe.
oh sorry kinda new at the whole thing, everyone has been a great help, so haveing a window open in the room and keeping the door to the room closed will work ok? the box isnt full closed (opening on one end and a 3 by 5 opening on the other side)
Openings are good. Do you have a fan in there? fans are good, too. You don't have to keep windows and doors open.. but it is good to do so periodically.