Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

Hello All,

This is my first post in years, i did a couple grow journals over 5 years ago under another name 'panessa1013" or something I've long lost the email address to.

Anyway, I haven't grown in those 5 years so coming back into it and building my room I wanted to allow for some peer review in order to avoid costly mistakes and having to then remedy them.

So, this room is in my basement.(I've attached pictures) It is approximately 18 feet long by 7 feet wide.

I have divided it into 8 feet for a veg room and 10 feet for flower, both are of course 7 feet wide.

I have one 1000w HPS for the flower room that I plan on only growing approximately 8 plants with...there will obviously be a whole other half of the flower room that is not under the HPS and is really just extra spaces for ballast and a big res im thinking (as the room does not have running water)

I have one 400w MH for the veg room which again will only cover part of the room, the other part I hope to use for a germination area as well as nute storage, etc as the room will have a hidden entry and I want to store any related gear or extra supplies within the room.

I have just finished framing, wiring, insulating, and sheetrocking it, finally about an hour ago we finished painting it.

So first questions of many:

DWC or ebb and flow? or?: In my previous grow i did DWC and used 5 gallon buckets. for the flower...and and ebb and flow for the veg....but now that I can start over from scratch I'm really torn.

I don't want leaky buckets(especially if I did have a big res). So I was thinking DWC in a kind of sealed PVC rig like I've seen a couple people build. But then I realize i may be over thinking it and my head goes to a giant res with a plywood or something else I've waterproofed as a top with 8 holes cut in it. or....something else I haven't thought of yet.

Second question is ventilation: I planned on having ducting at the top of the room putting air through a carbon filter in the flower room and then out into about 1300 sq ft of unfinished basement. What size/speed fan would I need to accomplish this (quietly)?


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Well-Known Member
For flower I would do 2x (1000 watt hps) vertically. So its like


Then veg is just whatever... Maybe two 6's or 4's?
If you're going to do it, FILL ER UP! :)
LOL! I would tend to agree with you on filling it up, but i have 35 amps to work with, and most of the outlets are on a 20amp line...with the other 15 amp line where the exhaust fan will go...I also don't want my power bill to skyrocket.


Well-Known Member
the O's are 1000 watt lights vertically, each with at least 1 carbon filter on the ground, then at least a 440CFM 6" inline through a cooltube, and through the roof or someplace else. OR you can go bare bulb and save some money, but apply it into other fans, and additional AC/// dont know your climate but i would say 1 (14,000 btu for the flower) and one 5 for the veg if your in a hot climate....
I'm really...really..hoping I can get away with out an AC hoping I can exchange enough air with the the other 1300 sqft of the basement which I would imagine never exceeds 80F in the hottest of summer days. ( in hottest is like 99 for a few days). Really....really hoping ya'll think thats Ac unit would ruin my stealth I think..and I have nowhere for the condensation to drain to.

**EDIT** another reason I was thinking keep it to the one 1000w HPS I have. :)


Well-Known Member
You could have an automated hyrdo system, or soil, the problem with soil in this shit i just drew up is getting to the farther plants to water them, cold enough it would only have to be twice or three times a week in soil. in hydro you could run pvc, and drainage, through the whole thing and really only have to enter just for cloning and harvesting / moving things around. But you could use that crap for anything, or tweek it so you can walk through easy.


Well-Known Member
I lived in north GA, and it got as hot as FL some days (currently in FL) its hot as balls here... SO i always mention A/C ... If you get a huge a/c, and somehow vent with light seal in tact, you'll cool it when it needs, like in the few coming months. For the rest of the year, i would say you should be able to keep it off.


Well-Known Member
I know moving plants to water / inspect on a day or few basis is a pain in the dick, but it is a great way to maximize your space.
Ha, yea I plan on basically spending my evenings staring, caring for, and talking to these ladies. so being able to walk up to each one of them is a must. Hell, i installed a TV in my last room I hung out there so much.

And I'll def be hydro of some sort.

At my current pace I only need approximately 60 oz a year. Once it doesn't cost so damn much lets assume that goes up to 75oz per year.


Well-Known Member
Also with the diagram, your looking at additional veg time inside the maturing area... So if your running indicas, it means 4-5 harvests a year, not 6. If your running sativas, your looking at like 3-ish. But that is also proving a solid month + of veg under excellent light. Which saves space, but causes longer wait time, although you could put clones straight into flower, but you will be robbing yourself of the extra crop from a mature plant.
Gotcha! Yea no I plan on vegging for a month, I have the vertical space for the growth so there'd be no reason not to..aside from that extra month..but I agree well worth it.